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Post by LEKTOR »

Cassuri, maguri, receivere.
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Post by hondaru »

Unde?! :wink:
Daca nu ajungi sa te pierzi in muzica atunci muzica se pierde in sistemul tau

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Post by LEKTOR »

Vine acum ! Ai putina rabdare ! :D

Primul meu contact cu Tandberg - un vecin in bloc avea un mag X-Field 3300x si un receiver cu boxe, ambele Tandberg.

Aici o evolutie a magurilor Tandberg, including top of the line TD20A


Despre cass deckuri, cele mai bune au inceput cu seria 3000 - TCD 3004 avea un design f. interesant, industrial


The TCD 3004 features a microprocessor-controlled 3 head, dual capstan closed loop mechanism with 4 servo-controlled motors and Dolby B noise reduction. The individual motors (capstan motor, pair of motors for the belt-driven supply side and take-up side hubs, plus head bridge motor) are constantly monitored by the computer. This allows the deck to wind at fantastic speeds without risking tape damage as well as ensuring incredibly stable tape path with minimal wow & flutter.

Like the 3014/3014A, the 3004 mechanism is built on a 5mm thick pressure-rolled aluminum plate which ensures rigid support for the moving parts. It has very large flywheels of differing diameter and drives them with belts of completely different size, to minimize the chances of any resonance. The hubs are belt-driven by two separate motors and those belts are again asymmetrical. No detail was overlooked in making sure this deck had the smoothest and most accurate mechanism available at any price.

The record head azimuth is adjustable from the front panel using a built-in test tone, ensuring proper frequency response on every tape you record. It also offers a tape selection switch for Type I, Type II, and Type IV (metal) tape types and has front panel adjustment and test tones for setting azimuth as well as adjusting the bias and record current levels for whatever tape is loaded. The system uses a unique separate calibration meter and is really simple to use.

The level meters are true peak-reading design with slow decay and are connected to the signal path after the record equalization so they monitor the signal being applied to the record head, not coming into the record amplifier. This provides for maximum accuracy in setting optimal recording levels.

In addition, Tandberg included Dyneq and Actilinear, their two proprietary technologies to extract maximum performance from the cassette format. Dyneq works similarly to Dolby HX Pro to extend headroom during recording, with the use of dynamic record equalization. Actilinear is a transconductance amplifier that combines the music and bias signals and converts them to pure current, allowing bandwidth so wide it can actually pass square wave bias frequencies.

The build quality of these decks is also exceptional. Tandberg specified the use of expensive metal parts wherever needed to ensure stable, accurate tape handling. They also used high-grade components throughout the electronics, such as polystyrene or polypropylene capacitors. This resulted in an ultra wideband design able to pass a signal with no audible degradation in sound quality or imaging.

•Dyneq and Actilinear recording technologies
•Dual capstan, closed-loop design ensures reliable tape-to-head contact
•Computer-controlled 4-motor transport
•Digital tape counter
•Variable winding speed
•Front panel controls for record azimuth, bias, and record current with separate calibration meter
•Optional rack-mount brackets
•Frequency response: 19Hz – 21kHz, +/- 3 dB
•Signal to noise ratio (metal tape): > 70 dB
•THD from tape with 0dB record level: < 3%
•Speed variation (wow) WRMS R/P: 0.09%
•Erasing on metal tape: 80dB
•Dimensions: 17-1/8” W x 5-7/8” D x 9” H (43.5 x 14.9 x 22.9, cm)
•Weight: 25.6 lbs. (11.6 kg)

Seria a continuat cu totl TCD 3014 - cu diverse subvariante - sau cum se numea " the Dragon killer " - si un updated TCD 3034


Evolutia s-a terminat cu seria TCD 910 / 911 - de fapt mai mult professional edition called Master Edition - aceste deckuri au numai fct PLAY, fara REC - se foloseau pt redare la posturile de radio



Precum bine zicea momolo, aceste deckuri - f.f.f.f sensibile, se defectau f. usor, greu de recalibrat,etc. In schimb, Performante de top.
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...

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Post by hondaru »

Inca ma minunez de viteza de derulare a casetei la aceste cass-uri si faptul cu "stie" sa incetineasca la sfarsit de banda indiferent de durata casetei. Si controlerele sunt doar niste circuite logice banale nici un microprocesor sau rocket science! Mai au avantajul ca nu folosesc capete combinate Rec/play ci capete individuale! Constructie sanatoasa totusi. Au un sunet inconfundabil. Dati naibii nordicii astia domnule! In anii 70-80 era o frenezie in zona de productii si idei care mai de care mai revolutionare. Pacat ca crizele financiare au inchis pe vecie majoritatea firmelor.
Daca nu ajungi sa te pierzi in muzica atunci muzica se pierde in sistemul tau

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Post by oake »

E greu de spus ce sună mai bine şi cum sună mai bine. Dacă ne ducem în trecutul apropiat vom constata că anumite vitageuri sună încă bine, altele nu. Totul e de maţe. Acuma avem low ESR sau OS-Con capacitors care sunt deasupra celor vechi. Pe de altă parte avem capacitori audiuofili. Noi invenţii evident cu low ESR. Acuma e timpul nostru să reinventăm sunetul. Hai să o facem.

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Post by momolo »

oake wrote:E greu de spus ce sună mai bine şi cum sună mai bine. Dacă ne ducem în trecutul apropiat vom constata că anumite vitageuri sună încă bine, altele nu.
mi-ai adus aminte de Bula care avea o expresie in perioada comunista (cand multi oameni in ciuda vremurilor grele aveau umor pentru ca mai era seva in ei; azi sunt uscati) - "Cainele cand il strigi, vine sau nu vine."
oake wrote:Totul e de maţe.
aceasta expresie imi face pofta, mai ales in aceste momente. Matzele de miel prajite pane sau puse in bors sunt foarte bune! Cand eram copil am refuzat categoric sa gust pana in ziua cand am gustat.
oake wrote:Acuma avem low ESR sau OS-Con capacitors care sunt deasupra celor vechi.
sunt intradevar deasupra daca le lipesti astfel, atunci cand reusesti sa apuci letconul de partea care nu frige.
oake wrote:Pe de altă parte avem capacitori audiuofili.
in aceste momente ar fi mai degraba audio-oufili, mai ales dupa ce ne ciocnim ouale.
oake wrote:Acuma e timpul nostru să reinventăm sunetul. Hai să o facem.
dar e mai bine s-o facem treji, adica atunci cand suntem cu capul limpede! :wink:
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Post by beatricebea »

you can't touch music but music can touch you

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Post by momolo »

beatricebea wrote:you can't touch music but music can touch you
e adanca rau! Mai ales la topicul despre Tandberg! :roll:
PS - Observ ca nu ai nici o prezentare de buna-ziua aici pe forum. Ce bauturi preferi ? ...Defapt ce prefera sa bea Beatrice ?!
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Post by Kostas »

Tandberg face parte din 2010 din grupul american Cisco. Produce aparatura pentru nave maritime, medii de stocare si este lider mondial in aparatura pt teleconferințe

http://www.tandberg-conferencing.com/in ... e_gallery/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

...asa ca trebuie sa ne mulțumim cu ce au produs in audio pana in anii 90!
"Muzica este un răspuns căruia nu i s-a pus nici o întrebare". - Nichita Stănescu

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