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Post by johndoe21ro »

Ma asteptam ca hersorin sa fi deschis deja un thread cu acest nume insa se pare ca nu e asa...
Pe site-ul TAD este dat un distribuitor roman, The Concept Shop. A trecut cineva pragul dlui Dragos?
Am vazut ca, la CES, TAD au cantat si pe Balanced Audio Technology si au fost cablate si cu AudioQuest si, ma gandeam ca, daca imi vor ramane vreodata mici boxele sa iau in considerare si niste CE1 (daca se dovedesc a fi niste incinte interesante). Sunt fanul incintelor rapide si ribboanele Raidho mi-au cam dat dependenta insa pe langa Triangle, Vienna Acoustics, Raidho si Marten e bine sa am si alte referinte.
Am vazut ca site-ul nu merge si Craiova e destul de departe de str. Trotusului, sector 1, Bucuresti... :mrgreen:
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Post by johndoe21ro »

Cateva cadre cu 'inculpatele':

http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showthrea ... Wharfedale" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showthrea ... post301267" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Post by remoteviewer1 »

Nu sunt manat de manie proletara, nici nu am ascultat aceste minunatii, am si ceva studii economice la baza unde am citit despre legea cererii si ofertei, insa 26000 de dolarei pt o pereche de book-shelf-uri :shock: ? Eu zic ca merita un drum pana in strada Trotusului !
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Post by johndoe21ro »

remoteviewer1 wrote:Nu sunt manat de manie proletara, nici nu am ascultat aceste minunatii, am si ceva studii economice la baza unde am citit despre legea cererii si ofertei, insa 26000 de dolarei pt o pereche de book-shelf-uri :shock: ? Eu zic ca merita un drum pana in strada Trotusului !
He he... Nu sunt bookshelf-uri ci standmounturi. TAD-urile de mai jos au 46kg adica mult peste majoritatea standfloor-urilor de pe la noi. Incintele mele au si ele 25kg... deci nu putem vorbi de boxe pe care sa le pui pe raftul de carti.
Are rost sa-ti mai spun ca TAD CR1 costa cca 50k? :mrgreen:
http://tad-labs.com/en/consumer/cr1/products.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Standmounturi cu preturi ametitoare mai fac si Magico (Mini II: cca. 30k USD), Raidho (D1: 29k USD), MBL 126 (12k USD), Vienna Acoustics (cca. 16k USD), Cabasse (La Sphere: cca 175k USD), samd.
Eu unul chiar sunt curios cum suna acele CE1 insa nu stiu nimic de dealer, de locatie (daca mai exista, daca a existat) sau daca a vizitat cineva acest loc precum si daca au modele in showroom! :mrgreen:
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Post by hondaru »

Am fost eu la Dragos la o prezentare Avalon si Cabasse. Destul de dificila auditia intrucat au fost foarte multi. La vremea aceea nu am vazut TAD. Eu vroiam sa ascult Spectral dar auditia fusese cu o saptamana in urma.
Gazda foarte primitoare, un om cu care poti discuta ore in sir cu placere. De la o vreme nu am mai auzit nimic de la ei...
Daca nu ajungi sa te pierzi in muzica atunci muzica se pierde in sistemul tau

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Post by remoteviewer1 »

He he... Nu sunt bookshelf-uri ci standmounturi.
Pai "book-shelfuri" din alea mai babane (aka stand mount-uri)am si eu acasa, deci stiu despre ce vorbesc :D . Chiar si la 50 de kile pe bucata dealerul nu le cumpara cu mai mult de 8000 de dolari, economia de piata este dura...Atat timp cat nu le-am ascultat, mai bine m-as abtine :twisted: .
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Post by johndoe21ro »

remoteviewer1 wrote:
He he... Nu sunt bookshelf-uri ci standmounturi.
Pai "book-shelfuri" din alea mai babane (aka stand mount-uri) am si eu acasa, deci stiu despre ce vorbesc :D . Chiar si la 50 de kile pe bucata dealerul nu le cumpara cu mai mult de 8000 de dolari, economia de piata este dura... Atat timp cat nu le-am ascultat, mai bine m-as abtine :twisted: .
Pai si sunetul il judeci la kilogram? Sau la 'lungimea mobilei'? Sau e musai sa fie 3 difuzoare si sa fie pe 3 cai? Sa inteleg ca standmountul are limita la 8k USD si ca standfloor-ul la 50k? :)
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Post by momolo »

Nu va mai contraziceti aiurea! Astea sunt teorii, conteaza cum suna si mai ales unde se potrivesc. In camere mici sunt ok si bookshlefurile. Desi TAD-urile alea sunt maricele.
hondaru wrote:Am fost eu la Dragos la o prezentare Avalon si Cabasse. Destul de dificila auditia intrucat au fost foarte multi. La vremea aceea nu am vazut TAD. Eu vroiam sa ascult Spectral dar auditia fusese cu o saptamana in urma.
Gazda foarte primitoare, un om cu care poti discuta ore in sir cu placere. De la o vreme nu am mai auzit nimic de la ei...
TAD-urile erau acolo langa tine expuse, langa geam (poate mai am pe undeva poze din telefon). Chiar imi aduc aminte ca ne uitam mai multi ce mufe superbe au la spate!
Evident, nici eu nu le-am ascultat. Din povestile citite par greu de amplificat. Si trebuie sa fie ceva de capul lor la pretul asta. Piata nu suporta multa vreme chestii aberante si gresite, ori TAD sunt de ceva vreme si nu par sa dispara (inca).
Totusi nici eu nu pot sa nu observ pretul de porc! E pentru dentisti, avocati si ginecologi din vest sau pentru hotii politici de la noi (dar astia mai degraba asculta manele pe combina).
Apropos, unde a disparut Dragos ?! Intr-o vreme se bagase sa scrie pomelnice pe forumul vecin. Apoi a disparut brusc si total.
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Post by hondaru »

Imi cer scuze, acum, ca ai precizat mi-aduc aminte de boxe si de mufele de conexiune. Le confundam cu Cabasse. Din pacate din cate stiu nu a fost organizata nici o auditie pentru ele.
Inca o data scuzele de rigoare.
Daca nu ajungi sa te pierzi in muzica atunci muzica se pierde in sistemul tau

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Post by remoteviewer1 »

E pentru dentisti, avocati si ginecologi din vest sau pentru hotii politici de la noi (dar astia mai degraba asculta manele pe combina).

Pai si sunetul il judeci la kilogram? Sau la 'lungimea mobilei'? Sau e musai sa fie 3 difuzoare si sa fie pe 3 cai? Sa inteleg ca standmountul are limita la 8k USD si ca standfloor-ul la 50k? :)
In niciun caz...insa nu am ajuns la nivelul la care sa pot ignora componenta financiara la achizitia unor boxe :D , din pacate toate afirmatiile mele trec prin propriul filtru mental.

Cu privire la dealer, si eu doream sa-i fac o vizita, insa din lipsa de timp nu am mai reusit. Postarile sale de pe Audioweb parca m-au descurajat totusi la un anumit moment...asta nu inseamna ca nu ar fi fost un om OK.
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Post by johndoe21ro »

Pei e vreun membru pe aici care a ajuns la nivelul la care sa poata ignora componenta financiara la achizitia unor boxe? Daca da, vreau si eu sa-l cunosc... :mrgreen:
Mare pacat daca dealerul in cauza s-a evaporat din cauza greutatilor intampinate pe piata romaneasca. Cred ca avea o oferta destul de interesanta si, oricum, diversitatea si competitia nu pot decat sa ne imbunatateasca experienta audiofila.
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Post by hersorin »

Daca tot vorbim despre TAD .
Uitati o lista cu amplificari incercate pe TAD .
TAD M2500
- Class 'D' gets a hard time with the Audiophile community, as with all pieces of equipment it is in the implementation that is the key. The TAD M2500 is a bit of the dark horse, it delivers in spades.
- This amplifier is purely about getting to heart of the performance with no additives or artificial enhancements, very open sound, neither warm or cool, superb dynamic contrasts. The speed of this amplifier is quite special as well. The 2500 does have soul too, not a clinical or analytical portrayal of music just realistically honest. Presentation is grain free and projects a large sound stage behind the speakers, large scale material was handled exceptional well as was the more delicate Vivaldi and Kate Rusby compositions. It did require some time to fully present its best intensions, though in fairness all of the other quality pieces did as well. The 2500 strengths are power, poise, superb detail, great staging, dynamics and a very low noise floor; it gets to the music via another route. Again this amplifier will appeal to people seeking a greater reality and intimacy in their music, Oh did I mention the bass prowess of this amplifier, it is rather immense.

TAD M600
- These are without doubt in the Dartzeel NHB 458 league.
- Utopian in nature.

The Krell Evo series
- These produced nice results.

DarTZeel NHB 108
(Note that I personally now use this amp now after living with a burmester 911mk3 for around a year. I absolutely love how this amp sounds on these speakers. I have included some of my listening notes comparing the 911mk3 to the 108B at the bottom of this post.)
- Matches well just lacks real outright power.
- I find it lacks texture and depth, it has superb the speed, detail and dynamics without question, I just feel it has no real musical soul with the TAD's.

Audio Research
- Seems to be hit and miss depending on models.

Mark Levinson 532
- Those looking for a slightly more laid back sound with the CR-1's - an inviting sound that appealed to number of people.

D’Agostino’s Momentum monoblocks
- An interesting pairing; they did make some very enjoyable sounds with real dimensionality plus a good natural pace. First class equipment.
- It's big open and lush sound compliment the CR-1's with grace; it does gravitate a touch on the warm side, but does that matter? My suspicion is for 85% of listeners, not one jot. This amplifier will / is going to win a lot of individuals around with its very special combination of power, texture and listenibility. If you are in the market for a serious stereo power amplifier, the momentum stereo is a must audition.

The Power modules incorporated LA-01 and MB500 monoblocks
- Sterling performance with amazing dynamic shading and sheer freedom from the speakers (totally effortlessness).

Devialet D-Premier
- Did an admirable job of driving the TAD's well (though not at more realistic volume levels) A few rated this combination, a great all round package, though I feel ultimately will not show the CR-1's in their fullest light.
- This pairing did not produce the great things I was expecting of them (They worked very well with the Wilson Sasha's). Certainly not a match made in heaven, I also listened to them on a pair of Q1's, that also did not produce a satisfactory result. These amplifiers are very good, pair them correctly and they will sing.

Burmester 911mk3
- It failed to ignite the real passion in the music which the CR-1 conveys so well with the correct pairings. Fast and dynamic sound, with large scale and great presence: big hifi sound. All the positives, just missing the vital ingredient: an engaging and musical presentation. The 948 conditioner did generate a more open and slightly sweeter sound it again took the sounds away from real music reproduction into the realms of Audiophile Hi Fidelity.
- The pairing for me embodied all that is good about hi fidelity, great dynamics, large sound staging, sweet top end, totally grain free presentation and effortless power. Very fine pieces of equipment, bar none. The missing links for my preferences were simple: The combination just failed to engage me musically, I found it lacked the liquid fluidity of the music that captures the rise and fall in tempo, rhythm, being there sensation and overall emotion. Follow-up: As I’ve mentioned before its performance with the TAD is very good, it does compliment a great number of the TAD’s fortes. A big, open and powerful sound. Yet delicate when required, a very nice detail and tonal balance with quality articulate bass. It delivers pretty much all the traits audiophiles ask for in a quality piece of equipment easily, though as good as it is, and make no mistake it is very good it is not for me. However it does tick a lot of boxes for great many people, in this arena that does count a lot.

- Not a good match at all, something very odd there

- All sweetness and light, not much music. Would be better suited to Focal's

- With the right speakers can sound nice, not with TAD

Technical Brain (TBP-Zero/EX mono’s)
- Produced a sound that offered superb scale yet with equally superb microdynamics [JA]

DartZeel 108B vs. Burmester 911mk3 - impressions by AudioExplorations.
- The dart portrays music in an incredibly natural and un-electronic sounding fashion. There is zero form of listener fatigue.
- The dart has a much less ‘aggressive’ presentation, much less bothered by lower quality recordings which on the 911 can sound harsh and fatiguing.
- The 911 sounds more precise, however in doing so lowers the ability to engage with the music, particularly with lesser recordings. Hard to describe... maybe the 911 sounds more accurate to the recorded material, but the dart sounds more accurate to the recorded event... if that makes sense.
- Micro-detail: dart extracts much more detail out of the recording. It is more resolving and far more extended into the treble.
- Imaging: The dart conveys a very deep soundstage depth which results in an almost holographic presentation, 911 is flat and 2 dimensional in comparison; everything occurs on the plane between the speakers.
- The bass on the dart sounds (ever so slightly) thicker, slower and less dynamic. In my listening room which is not very large, this is essentially a non-issue, the bass on the dart is excellent, deep, detailed and dynamic. If I had twice or 3 times the air volume to cover I could see this becoming a relevant shortcoming.
RME 9632 Bel Canto 3.5 Unico 200 Pioneer S1EX Jena Labs Furutech

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Post by hersorin »

Si daca tot se pomenea de VTL .
I've heard the R1s with TAD's monoblocks, the big VTLs and some cheap Bel Canto amp. Anyway, the R1s sounded better to my ears with the Bel Canto than it did with the other ones, although the TAD units were great. It's hard for me to say that I liked the Bel Cantos because I'm a tube guy who definitely has a general overall bias against digital amplifiers, but I heard what I heard.

Quite honestly, the VTLs didn't do it for me with these speakers. There was some midrange issue that I couldn't get past, and I am reasonably sure the amp/speaker combination was the cause of it. I've heard stellar sound from VTLs, but not that time.

In reviste sunt multi laudatori platiti . Eu sunt lamurit .
Si .
I've heard Zesto/TAD several times at RMAF and thought the demo AJ did in 2013 with the Evo towers and all TAD gear was far superior to any of the Zesto/TAD systems. By a mile...
Yup, his 2013 demo at RMAF was in a smaller room, well set-up and I thought it was one of the best systems I'd ever heard. I got to play several of my own test tracks and it performed them at levels I'd never experienced before. Bela Fleck's "A Moment So Close" on the album Live at the Quick was incredible. It's usually a muddy mess but this system was one of the few that made it sound like music. Other tracks showed dynamics, clarity and resolution most systems can't touch. The Zesto/TAD rooms were ordinary in comparison.
RME 9632 Bel Canto 3.5 Unico 200 Pioneer S1EX Jena Labs Furutech

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Post by hersorin »

Lista mai poate continua cu foarte multe amplificatoare SS .
Cea ce vedeti mai sus mi-a fost confirmat si de alti cunoscatori de TAD .
Eu am avut experientele mele cu TAD E1 si Pioneer S1 cu lampi si combinatiile nu merg . Hibridele (pre tub , power SS ) au placut .
Vinzatorul de TAD de aici nu recomanda lampi deci de ce as fi eu mai cu mot ? Am incercat . Sunt de acord cu voi ca lampile suna bine , sunt muzicale dar nu se potrivesc deloc cu TAD .
Singura varianta care ma mai face curios este Jadis . Mi-au placut pe niste boxe hibride .
Sa intelegeti ca Tad cu lampi suna plin , muzical , aerisit , placut , rezolut dar nu are viata , nu te implica deloc ,sunetul e fleoscait parca nu ar cinta pentru tine .
Si colegul Stefan a auzit diferenta cind am testat ale lui Manley Snapper de 100 w , (sa zicem ca Unisonul S8 este prost si slab ) , au fost diferite fire si degeaba .
Deci eu am incercat , daca nu ma credeti incercati si voi .
Daca doriti va pot prezenta sistemele multor forumisti cu TAD CR1 si R1 (unul are chiar 3 sisteme TAD ) dar eu personal nu cunosc nici unu care sa le amplifice cu lampi .
RME 9632 Bel Canto 3.5 Unico 200 Pioneer S1EX Jena Labs Furutech

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Post by johndoe21ro »

Staruinta ta este impresionanta insa in ecuatia audiofila ai uitat de sursa, de cabluri, de camera, de experienta, de gusturi, etc.

Unul care nu e tovaras de-al tau (McIntosh, AudioQuest):

http://www.audioaficionado.org/attachme ... 7-copy.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Tot aici mai folosesc si cu Butler Audio Monad A100, samd.
Va trebui sa ma crezi pe cuvant ca sunt multi! Parerile de mai sus postate de tine trebuie luate cu ceva sare! Unde mai pui ca se face confuzie intre amplificarile in clasa D si cele digitale...
Cat despre reviste, lucrurile sunt mai complicate... Dealerii si reprezentantii nu prea-si permit sa o dea in bara in show-uri importante (cel putin nu prea rau si nu de multe ori) altfel se duc acasa cu bocancul in cur si asculta muzica din pozitia de drepti! Exista intodeauna exceptii si rateuri insa exemplele cu TAD & lampi sunt o droaie! Mai mult decat atat, sunt atatea combinatii si posibilitati incat ar fi chiar ciudat sa existe o asa dusmanie intre TAD si toate amp-urile cu tuburi cu vid!
Eu inchei frumos discutia aici pentru ca nu vreau sa purtam discutii in contradictoriu. Pana la urma asculti ce-ti place, cu ce-ti place si aia e! Noi sa fim sanatosi si linistiti cu ale noastre! :wink:
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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