EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by johndoe21ro »

Wilson-urile de mai sus, cu D'Agostino, sunt Alexia! Tot aceeasi Marie, desigur... :)
Magico-urile par amplificate de niste CAT-uri insa nu stiu modelul... Cu siguranta este mentionat pe undeva! :)
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by momolo »

Priced at $14,000 per pair, Focal Sopra No. 2 3-way loudspeakers are positioned as a high-end product. However, the demo I attended did nothing to change my feeling that the brand’s speakers are a bit bright for my taste—I’m not a big fan for the company’s inverted-dome Beryllium tweeters.

On the speaker you’ll find a 1” inverted-dome tweeter, a 6.5” midrange, and twin 7.5” woofers. Frequency response is listed as 34 Hz to 40 kHz, which is a bit limited in the bass department considering the cost of a pair. It’s an 8-ohm speaker and Focal recommends between 40 and 300 watts of amplification. At the show, twin Pass Labs monoblocks provided the electrons.

The three demo tracks did nothing to change my feelings about Focal. Little Sonny’s “Don’t Ask Me No Questions” and “Tomorrow’s Blues Today” came across as a bit fuzzy with exaggerated bass, although that could be partly due to the recording (I checked the tracks using headphones). Dennis from HTS noted that the imaging “Had good depth with the image located behind the speaker plane.”

A rendition of “Lush Life” by Linda Ronstadt showed off the strongest suit of the Sopra No. 2: midrange clarity. Her vocals were pure and present, floating in space before the listener. Dennis found the experience more captivating than I, noting that “Female vocals reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into my chair with eyes riveted forward and looking toward the source of the sound.”

The Sopra No. 2 demo left me feeling ambivalent. I had to refer to my notes to write this piece because the listening session did not impart a lasting impression. Perhaps I’ll have better luck next time.
https://youtu.be/3XEDQmOT4Ro" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Totusi nu spune nimic despre ce sursa a fost folosita. Datorita faptului ca e ascunsa vederii, sa nu fi fost ceva cu fisiere din laptop.
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by momolo »

MBL Radialstrahler 101 X-treme: Best in Show AXPONA 2016

Dear reader, if you find it upsetting that the best system at an audio show sells for $558,200, as is the case with the MBL Radialstrahler 101 X-treme, then I suggest you stop reading now.

Cool, I’m glad you are still here. I just got back from AXPONA 2016 in Chicago and have dozens of systems to write up. However, I figured it was worth starting off with the system that set the standard for 2-channel audio reproduction: The MBL Reference Line Combination D featuring the 2800 lb 101 X-treme speakers ($263,000) as well as four monstrous MBL 9011 pure mono balanced amps ($53,000 each), a model 1621 A CD transport ($28,000), a model 1611 F D/A converter ($28,700) and a model 6010 D preamp ($26,500) . With a price tag north of a half million bucks, it was the very essence of a cost-no-object super-system and truly sounded phenomenal.
in continuare cititi aici: http://www.avsforum.com/mbl-101-x-treme ... pona-2016/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

https://youtu.be/-pzEvo-dav4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;



Vad ca au pus niste greutati infipte in tzeapa pe mag. Si e asezat pe niste chestii cam la fel.
Oricum, la juma de milion de paray.... ce sa mai zici?!
Parerea mea, ca eu am ascultat asa ceva - cine asculta dinastea, ramane marcat pe viata. Ce ma amuza pe mine unele opinii ale diversilor trancotari mioritici despre cat de tampite sunt omnidirectionalele! In opinia mea, dupa ce am ascultat mai multe si am comparat, tare ma tem ca omnidirectionalele sunt defapt superioare solutiei traditionale. Si evident, dificil de realizat (corect). Un motiv logic pe care-l vad, seamana mai mult cu sursele naturale de sunet.
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by momolo »

johndoe21ro wrote:Wilson-urile de mai sus, cu D'Agostino, sunt Alexia! Tot aceeasi Marie, desigur...
momolo wrote:D’Agostino cu Wilson Audio Alexx:
http://www.avsforum.com/wilson-alexx-4- ... pona-2016/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Wilson ALEXX 4-Way Towers at AXPONA 2016

It’s hard to discuss high-end audio without bringing up Utah-based Wilson Audio. The company’s name has been practically synonymous with performance-oriented no-holds-barred high-end home-audio speakers for three-plus decades. At AXPONA 2016 I had a chance to audition the company’s latest creation—the hand-built Alexx ($109,000/pair)—along with Dennis Young and Wayne Myers from Home Theater Shack.

The three of us pleaded our way into a Sunday morning VIP listening session, which afforded us a rare chance to hear a system without the typical distractions of an audio show. We had our choice of seats, and the room was silent, aside from the sound the speakers produced.

The result—while potentially not worth the asking price—nonetheless set a very high bar for a cone-and-dome loudspeaker system. It’s a 4-way design that has two different-sized woofers sharing the same ported chamber, and you can choose whether the speakers vent forward or to the rear. The Alexx sports two different midranges as well—a 5″ and a 7″—in what was described as a D’Appolito-like array. A 1″ silk soft-dome tweeter rounds out the driver compliment.

The specs reveal a speaker that will challenge lesser amps. Nominal impedance is 4 ohms with a minimum of 1.5 ohms at 2850 Hz. Rated sensitivity is 91 dB/W/m and the frequency response is listed at 20 Hz – 31 kHz +/- 3 dB making it a true full-range speaker system.

It’s hard to find fault in the performance of the Alexx. From imaging to dynamics to frequency response, they handle music with great confidence. I particularly enjoyed how wide the sweet-spot was—so long as I sat somewhere between the two speakers, the soundfield did not collapse.

A Studer reel-to-reel deck fed unamplified signal directly from the tape heads to a Doshi preamp and amplifiers. As far as source material goes, it was pristine analog sound.

Wayne appeared captivated by the system, which his comments confirmed. He said “Vocals from the Beauty And The Beast theme song were accurate and intimately present.” and “Roger Waters, “It’s a Miracle” from Amused To Death—another example of vocals that could not be better presented. Almost bigger than life, yet still so honest with such detail. I got chills on this track, first time at the show.”

The Wilsons dished out classical music the way it’s supposed to be heard, with power, clarity, and finesse. “String Quartet No. 14 in C-Sharp” by Brooklyn Rider stayed coherent despite the musical complexity that would surely trip up some lesser speakers.

I can’t say I had a physiological reaction to the Wilsons like Wayne did. In fact I did not get goosebumps even once during the show. But among the speaker systems I heard this past weekend, there was no way to deny that Wilson’s Alexx towers slotted into the topmost tier.
video: https://youtu.be/Um9AI935qWY" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;



Sursa mag STUDER cu preu de cap pe tuburi, separat.
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by momolo »

colectie VIDEO (Axpona 2016 si altele interesante):

https://www.youtube.com/user/AVSforumvideos/videos" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by hersorin »

Am ascultat de mai multe ori MBL si doar sistemul mare suna adevarat . Cele mai mici suna steril , subtire , fara materie sau poate nu au fost pe gustul meu .
Sistemul mare MBL pentru mine este referinta in materie de sunet dar tinind cont de pret .......
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by hersorin »

Am ascultat si Focal Sopra si suna destul de bine chiar daca sunetul marci Focal nu e printre preferatele mele . Cumva au un sunet destul de impresionant la o prima auditie dar nu stiu pe parcurs cit de obositor este .
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by johndoe21ro »

momolo wrote:
johndoe21ro wrote:Wilson-urile de mai sus, cu D'Agostino, sunt Alexia! Tot aceeasi Marie, desigur...
momolo wrote:D’Agostino cu Wilson Audio Alexx:
http://www.avsforum.com/wilson-alexx-4- ... pona-2016/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Wilson ALEXX 4-Way Towers at AXPONA 2016

It’s hard to discuss high-end audio without bringing up Utah-based Wilson Audio. The company’s name has been practically synonymous with performance-oriented no-holds-barred high-end home-audio speakers for three-plus decades. At AXPONA 2016 I had a chance to audition the company’s latest creation—the hand-built Alexx ($109,000/pair)—along with Dennis Young and Wayne Myers from Home Theater Shack.

The three of us pleaded our way into a Sunday morning VIP listening session, which afforded us a rare chance to hear a system without the typical distractions of an audio show. We had our choice of seats, and the room was silent, aside from the sound the speakers produced.

The result—while potentially not worth the asking price—nonetheless set a very high bar for a cone-and-dome loudspeaker system. It’s a 4-way design that has two different-sized woofers sharing the same ported chamber, and you can choose whether the speakers vent forward or to the rear. The Alexx sports two different midranges as well—a 5″ and a 7″—in what was described as a D’Appolito-like array. A 1″ silk soft-dome tweeter rounds out the driver compliment.

The specs reveal a speaker that will challenge lesser amps. Nominal impedance is 4 ohms with a minimum of 1.5 ohms at 2850 Hz. Rated sensitivity is 91 dB/W/m and the frequency response is listed at 20 Hz – 31 kHz +/- 3 dB making it a true full-range speaker system.

It’s hard to find fault in the performance of the Alexx. From imaging to dynamics to frequency response, they handle music with great confidence. I particularly enjoyed how wide the sweet-spot was—so long as I sat somewhere between the two speakers, the soundfield did not collapse.

A Studer reel-to-reel deck fed unamplified signal directly from the tape heads to a Doshi preamp and amplifiers. As far as source material goes, it was pristine analog sound.

Wayne appeared captivated by the system, which his comments confirmed. He said “Vocals from the Beauty And The Beast theme song were accurate and intimately present.” and “Roger Waters, “It’s a Miracle” from Amused To Death—another example of vocals that could not be better presented. Almost bigger than life, yet still so honest with such detail. I got chills on this track, first time at the show.”

The Wilsons dished out classical music the way it’s supposed to be heard, with power, clarity, and finesse. “String Quartet No. 14 in C-Sharp” by Brooklyn Rider stayed coherent despite the musical complexity that would surely trip up some lesser speakers.

I can’t say I had a physiological reaction to the Wilsons like Wayne did. In fact I did not get goosebumps even once during the show. But among the speaker systems I heard this past weekend, there was no way to deny that Wilson’s Alexx towers slotted into the topmost tier.
video: https://youtu.be/Um9AI935qWY" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;



Sursa mag STUDER cu preu de cap pe tuburi, separat.
Deci... inca o data....
Asta e fotografia postata de tine si astea sunt Alexia! D'Agostino cu Alexia si nu cu Alexx! :mrgreen:

Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by hersorin »

Nu stiu voua dar mie chiar imi plac Alexia .
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by johndoe21ro »

hersorin wrote:Nu stiu voua dar mie chiar imi plac Alexia.
Daca iti place de Alexia sau de Sabrina, nu am nimic impotriva! Daca iti placea de Alex... ma uitam crucis! :D
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by johndoe21ro »

Si alte cateva cadre de la Axpona 2016:

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by momolo »

Da ma johndoe21ro esti un fin observator! Ai DREPTATE! Si mii de SCUZE!!!! Ma duc sa ma sinucid! :D

Mi se perfute daca e Alexx sau Alexia ca tot aia e (eu nu-mi bat capul sa tin minte nume de modele, indicative, etc, eu tin minte cum suna si le clasez pe marimi si culori ca sa le tziu minte :D Dar le tziu minte pe alea pe care le aud cum suna) . Cate Wilson am auzit fix tot atatea nu mi-au placut. Si sa nu zici ca modelele astea suna teribil de diferit ca nu te cred! Mie imi place muzica clasica si boxele astea canta orice, mai putin clasica. In opinia mea sunt boxe cu dedicatie muzicala, le-au facut pentru cantari guristice, rockareli, jazzuri, o chitara electrica, o toba, o fatuca de se tanguie a jazzzzz, o bubuiala, mai ales o bubuiala! E un anume sunet colorat anume, unora le place, altora ca mine, nu. Dar nu zic ca ar exista vreo boxa necolorata! Numai ca eu as vrea sa aud din cutiile astea cam in mare ce aud live cu lautarii in fatza.
De remarcat ca astea noi nu mai au tuitar Focal din ala intors pe dos. NU sunt informat (asa de bine ca johndoe21ro ....plecaciuni, plecaciuni!) dar parca am auzit ca Focal nu le mai da tuitare astora din America. Acum nu ca plang dupa tuitarele alea, ziceam si eu asa ca chestie. Si poate nu e adevart, astept sa ma lumineze SPECIALISTII!

Pacat ca din pozele de pe net nu putem auzi cum suna in realitate! Am avea multiple surprize! De prea multe ori am auzit sunet DE RAHAT din boxe cumplit de scumpe. Dar noi aici pe net clantzanim foarte usor despre sute de mii de euroi si alte deastea. :roll:

Tragedia reala este ca de vreo doua decenii (masor la ochi) nu se mai fac boxe ca altadata. Lumea si-a cam pierdut simtul muzical si mai ales al auzului. Nu indraznesc sa-mi imaginez ce va iesi din generatia tinerilor care umbla acum cu doapele in urechi ascultand din telefon! Sunetul de tip mortaciune impaiata, lipsa experientei live naturale, lipsa culturii elementare, educatia de tip fast-food & Lady Gaga, mai ales superficialitatea (life is easy!), precum si alte aspecte duc la ingurgitarea unui sunet de RAHAT cu care omul se obisnuieste si crede ca asta-i tot!

Si cat ii priveste pe colegii mei academicienii.... pardon, haudiofilii, am observat ca cei computerizati au mari probleme in a distinge sunet de trompeta sparta, ruginita si data pe scari de sunetul din "cantecul muzicii" pe care-l asculta bunica cand era fata (si vie). Dar fuse si se duse, acum discutam de Alexx si Alexia! :lol:

PS - tare putine boxe bune se fac la ora asta! Si mai si COSTA! Nu mai e chilipirul de alta data.....(pe care nici eu nu l-am apucat prea bine din cauza lagarului de concentrare/exterminare in care m-am nascut)
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by johndoe21ro »

Pai eu nu am facut nici o afirmatie despre cum suna ci doar am vazut o neconcordanta intre numele modelului si ce era in fotografie! Nu asteptam scuze, nu ceream scuze si nici nu ma intereseaza neaparat ce palarie mai poarta Maria! Altfel, sunt convins ca si modelele scoase in 2017 tot niste ursi greoi (in sunet) o sa fie.
Daca eu faceam parte dintre 'academicienii' de mai sus (desi nu inteleg de unde si pana unde "sunet de trompeta sparta, ruginita si data pe scari de sunetul din "cantecul muzicii" pe care-l asculta bunica cand era fata", etc) ma indoiesc ca poti intelege ce aud eu, cum aud eu sau ce diferente fac. Poate doar din poze...
Triangle Magellan Concerto 2; AQ Everest; Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2; AQ Dragon HC; AQ WEL XLR; Chord Qutest w UpTone JS-2; SOtM tX-USBultra & Paul Hynes SR5-12XL; AQ Diamond USB; Gryphon PowerZone; Stillpoints UltraSS; Solid Tech Hybrid

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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by hersorin »

Nu e nici o problema cu denumirile deoarece exista si Alexx si Alexia dar ai dreptate cu genurile de muzica . Eu pe Wilson chiar nu cred sa fi auzit vreo data clasica . Pe blues , jazz chiar exceleaza dar clasica nu stiu .
Sunt foarte multe firme care nu au curajul sa puna toate genurile de muzica pe sisteme extrem de scumpe . De la unii chiar auzi un fel de monosunete , 2 -3 pacaneli , un pic de hiriiala etc. nimic concret .
Pe o boxa buna (daca e buna) nu trebuie sa iti fie rusine sa asculti orice .
Chiar daca se stie ca imi place TAD vreau sa le laud playlistul , au de toate genurile si pun citeva piese :
Anders Widmark trio - Visor melodia Felicia adjö . O melodie cu un pian destul de dificil de reprodus dar Tad o cinta superb .
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra - Erich Kunzel – Johann Strauss Jr. - Banditen Galop, Op. 378
e o melodie plina de explozii si foarte dinamica care arata cit de buna e boxa in functie de cum te implica in muzica . Cel putin pe mine aceasta melodie ma face sa se ridice parul pe mine si ma iau fiorii . Am ascultat melodia si pe alte sisteme dar uneori ma bufnea risul de cit de fals suna.
Harry Belafonte - Hallelujah, I Love her So 1958 Aici se vede maiestria inregistrari , si naturaletea redarii sunetului (daca poate boxa) etc .
Ar mai fi destule dar deja cu aceste 3 melodii iti faci o idee . E clar ca se foloseste si multa muzica audiofile dar macar e variata .
Nu multe marci au curajul sa faca asa ceva .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc6QDg-3UhQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: EXPOZITII AUDIOFILE din toata lumea:

Post by momolo »

hersorin wrote:Cincinnati Pops Orchestra - Erich Kunzel – Johann Strauss Jr. - Banditen Galop, Op. 378
o stiu, am discul, e de rupt boxele! :) Intradevar test pentru boxe adevarate! Pui asa ceva pe chistoace si se aude ca o basina sparta si lesinata, asta in caz ca mai ramai cu chistoacele intregi. :D Comparatia e totul, si pe mine ma umfla rasul cand mutam discul asta de la un sistem la altul.
Altele de test pentru boxe adevarate (adica mari, nu chistoace):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wls0xXC3yoE" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVeSSSZlkKA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Si ceva de vazut doar la inceput (ce aranjament MBL !!!), restul e gluma:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFSTwcV4Lz0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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