Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

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Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by TomJones »

Va invit sa vedeti acest site de o calitate exceptionala a pozelor si cu adevarat highend: dati click pe fiecare sectiune in parte: Turntable, cd-player, tuner, speakers

etc si asa mai departe...calitatea pozelor este desavarsita

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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by LEKTOR »

Pai am mai discutat despre baietii astia din MAIAMI - dar atunci nu a remarcat nimeni ! Este un dealer high-end si acela este web siteul lor !

Mai sint si http://www.higherfi.com
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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by kaav »

''Obscen'' de frumoase aceste scule.
Mai ceva decat orice bijuterie.....

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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by momolo »

De pe site-ul de mai sus, ia uitati aici niste bunatati ! Nici nu vreau sa aflu cum suna! (ar fi nesanatos!) :D

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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by LEKTOR »

Da, si este clar ca iti trebuie un preamp cu voice command - adica difurile alea sint asa frumoase incit nu merita sa le pui in incinte, ci sa le tii in miini ceea ce ar face remote-ul inutilizabil !
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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by momolo »

LEKTOR, difuzorasele alea mititele, insa scumpe, de banda larga, au ceva ce nici o mare lada plina cu difuzoare nu o poate avea in vecii vecilor amenos! Dar un singur lucru le lipseste, bubuiala. Insa aia este indecent de ieftin de obtinut, adica alta poveste.

Ele se monteaza de obicei in hornuri dar merg si in cutii bass reflex sau chiar pe compresie.

Iar pretul ala nu e de pomana. Asta o afla doar cine le asculta. Sunt cativa (prin Europa) care isi pot cumpara orice mega-boxa high-end cu care pot sparge geamuri, insa sunt cazuti in limba dupa Feastrex-uri!

Sunt ca delicatesurile pentru connaisseurs.
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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by LEKTOR »

Pai tu zici bine acolo, dar de obicei europenii nu prea alearga dupa difuri japoneze - mai ales full range. Difuzoarele gen Alnico au fost f. populare in mid 70's si inca se vind pe ebay pe sume mari ! Si ce magneti au !!!

Regardless of which model one might choose, all of Feastrex's drivers represent according to our U.S. distributor Mr. Joseph Cohen, "an embarrassment of riches." He lauds them from the heart, saying, "Choose any driver and you will have deep fulfillment. Each driver is like a living creature. Each has its own unique character and energy." Each Feastrex driver has its own greatness.

Ceva tehnic despre alnico speakers vs alte feluri de magneti

"AlNiCo (Aluminum-Nickel-Cobalt) is an alloy magnet and all alloy magnets are easier to demagnetize than comparable Ceramic (Strontium Ferrite) magnets. What this means is that as the voice coil starts moving in response to the input signal, it generates a magnetic field of its own that tries to demagnetize the magnet. As its effect lowers the available magnetic field of the AlNiCo magnet, the speaker becomes less efficient, the voice coil moves less, etc. The physics of it is that the small magnets near the surface of the magnet poles (called 'domains') begin to change state, or flip directions. The result is smooth compression, the same kind of operating curve compression that occurs in a tube amplifier. The ceramic magnet, on the other hand, doesn't compress or demagnetize as easily, so the voice coil moves to its mechanical limit and won't go any farther. This is why some players say ceramics sound a little edgey at high average levels as opposed to AlNiCo. However, by properly designing the entire magnetic circuit, Ceramics can be made to behave quite well for desireable guitar amp tone and dynamics. You might compare the two magnetic circuits to solid state amps versus tube amps, where the solid state amp gives it all its got then clips hard, while a tube amp compresses nice and smooth. The extension of this idea, then, is that with the AlNiCo, like the tube amp, you can seem to have a louder average volume since it gets compressed smoothly. By the way, the compressing or demagnetization that occurs with the AlNiCo is not permanent. It springs right back to its design operating point.

A voice coil is like an electric motor. The bigger the voice coil, the more wire used, the more torque or pulling power you have to move the cone. With the proper match of components, you can get more sensitivity, wider frequency response, and more power handling ability."
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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by felixx »

Aici modul cum este conceput materialul din care este realizat conul de la Feastrex:
http://www.washiya.com/shop/iwanohousho ... glish.html

Si aici cate ceva despre permendur,alnico si electromagnet precum si celelalte materiale care sunt parti componente:
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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by Kostas »

Pun si eu un director audiofil, sper sa fie de folos ...

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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by felixx »

Noul model de la Fertin (asa zisul Model 7) fara surround si un spider pentru centrarea bobinei format din 3 spitze de carbon vrea sa striveasca zilele astea (5-9 Ianuarie 2009) la Las Vegas pe cei de la Feastrex.
Din ce se spune si se aude sunt foarte mari sanse de reusita.
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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by puf »

Poate ma lamureste cineva cum poate separa miscarea aerului din fata si din spatele membranei.
Vad ca membrana se misca in aer fara nici o separare, ermetizare.In situatia asta se poate folosi doar pentru redarea mediilor si inaltelor basul fiind imposibil de redat asa.

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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by felixx »

Am primit un email in care se spune asa:

"The air gap between the cone and the steel ring of the basket is on the 1/10 of a mm, much less than 1 mm.
From my experience in adjusting the cone diameter for no friction, there is no real effect on bass reflex or back horn enclosure with air gap up to 2/10th of mm. I know this is against previous speaker conception and this is why this type of suspension has never been tried before, but it works really well.

In fact the paper cone is terminated by a flat carbon ring which stiffen the cone and allows to have a very small air gap with a steel ring 12 mm thick that has been polished, nickeled and fit to the basket. The 12 mm steel ring thickness allows for a +/- 6 mm cone excursion."

Fostex chiar a realizat un woofer dedicat si aceasta implementare nu este noua.
http://www.aravona.com/Fostex-album/sli ... 01_07.html
In poze se poate observa distanta dintre conul de celuloza si sasiu ....au introdus chiar o coala de hartie in acea "fereastra" pentru exemplificare.
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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by VTP »

Solutia nu e noua, au abordat-o in timp multi, inafara lu' Mos Fertin sau Fostex. Mai toti producatorii de difuzoare banda larga si nu numai! Solutia rezolva unele probleme si creiaza altele mai grele. Personal, nu cred ca are multe sanse sa dureze, mai mult ca o solutie de amorul artei!

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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by puf »

Ok au precizat la incinte horn sau reflex, la compresie nu cred ca se putea folosi , aerul ar fi creeat turbulente serioase in spatiul acela.
Am ascultat cu multi ani in urma difuzoare normale ajunse involuntar in situatia asta prin scuturarea suspensiei de burete presat, treaba ce nu a afectat negativ sunetul.Practic membranele stateau in aer centrate doar de panza de la baza fara suspensie si nu sunau rau deloc dupa pretentiile mele de atunci.Incintele erau Akai si erau elemente din un sistem complet cu celebrele deckuri GX, cumparate din "Shop".
Dupa "reparare" adica lipirea unor suspensii noi de la alte difuzoare, sunetul s-a stricat!

Acum CES s-a terminat ...nu avem nici un fel de reactii, marturii, bloguri?

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Re: Un site cu adevarat audiofil: Senzational

Post by felixx »

"From the CES, here is what Jonathan Valin says about the Fertin surroundless speakers associated with Da Vinci Electronics :

�One of the most fascinating rooms at CES: the Da Vinci Audio Labs suite, where I heard the $100k+ tall, multiway, dipole, floorstanding Da Vinci Virt� loudspeaker, driven by Da Vinci electronics and sourced by a superb Da Vinci Unison �table. After an adjustment was made to the woofers on Day One, the sound was�phenomenal, with a level of inner detail, dynamic nuance and scale, timbral accuracy, and sheer you-are-there realism that matched anything else at the show (except for the M5). After I listened to the torture-test Attila Bozay recording, I wrote in my notepad: Incroyable! And it was incredible. I don�t know how real-world these very odd and odd-looking speakers are at this point. They appear to use a single full-range driver buttressed by two active woofers. All drivers are field coil, specially made for Da Vinci by FERTIN Acoustic with decoupled baskets and unique cones in an open-baffle enclosure made on one side of the same tonewood used in violin-making and on the other of a special constrained-layer damping material. All I can say is that the Virt�s sounded uncannily realistic on the LPs I brought with me to the show. Along with the Vandersteen 7s (and two others we will come to), this was the third-best sound of the show.�"
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