Air Tight

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Air Tight

Post by SOLO »

In aceasta perioada am avut ocazia sa ascult cate ceva de la Air Tight . Pe toate boxele ( Magneplanar , Burmester , Opera ) pe care au fost puse aceste electronice , au sunat extraordinar . Pe mine cel putin , pre-ul ATC-2 m-a vrajit :oops:


A mai avut cineva ocazia sa asculte ceva de la ei ?

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Re: Air Tight

Post by momolo »

Putin probabil in RO.

Am cautat site-ul lor insa nu reusesc sa-l caz ca exista?!

Insa la orice cautare se pare ca se gasesc foarte multe referinte prin lumea high-end audio.
Intamplator am dat si de un pret al preului de mai sus.... 8500 USD !

Observ ca fac si doza de pickup, foarte scumpa!

Se pare ca sunt lucrate in stil japonez mana, fara cablaj, piese in aer, inclusiv preul de mai sus despre care nu am reusit sa aflu ce contine (lampi, tranzistoare?!).

Linkuri interesante gasite: ... l=ja&tl=en ... 9.html?p=2
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Re: Air Tight

Post by LEKTOR »

Parca erau combinati cu cei de la AUDIONOTE, sau unul de la Audionote a deschis firma noua - citisem asa ceva cu ani in urma !
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...

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Re: Air Tight

Post by MariusO »

Se pare ca pre-ul ATC-2 e pe lampi, mai exact 2 bucati 12AU7 (ECC82) si una bucata 12AX7 (ECC83).

Cat despre radacinile companiei, am gasit urmatoarele informatii:

"Air Tight was founded by Mr Atasushi Miura. His father, who began by building transformers for the fledgling Japanese audio industry in the 1930's, was the head of Luxman Corporation, a manufacturer of fine audio equipment acclaimed internationally for its excellent sound and construction. Mr. Miura was therefore immersed in high quality audio from an early age. Mentored by his father, he worked his way up through the Luxman company, attaining the status of audio Engineer responsible for designing the circuits for many of the highly regarded Luxman tube amps, and in time he too became head of Luxman.

In the mid-'80's, Mr. Miura sensed a shift in the audio industry toward lower quality, mass-produced components. Rather than become part of the slide into mediocrity, he sold Luxman and started his own new company, Air Tight.

Air Tight has attained legendary status in high-end audio circles, as much for the build-integrity and elegance of their products as for the exceptional sound quality."

"Belonging to the Sport Club (table-tennis) during 1952 - 1956 in his university days, Mr. Miura joined Lux Corp. (LUXMAN) upon his graduation by invitation of Mr. H. Hayakawa his 3-year elder club manager (who became the president later).

Lux Corp. founded in June 1924 by Mr. T. Hayakawa & his brother K. Yoshikawa was the oldest manufacturer in Japan of the electronic components, and already famous at that time for the output transformers & switches. In those days with spread of radio, some of the parts manufacturers such as Pioneer, Sansui and Trio have already started to make Hi-Fi amps.

Though being a 'radio' boy by nature, he has not got an education as an engineer and in the beginning at Lux Corp. he was mainly in charge of purchase and control of component materials, and later took part in building a factory for manufacture of audio amps.

In 1961 he married Mari the eldest daughter of Mr. Yoshikawa, the counterpart of the founders in charge of technical field and the then president, and begot a son and a daughter, thus becoming a member of the 'LUXMAN' family.

As from 1968 he started to lead the Sales Division as the general manager in Tokyo Office for sales promotion in the domestic and overseas markets. In this period he brought up the LUXMAN to be the top-notch brand in Hi-Fi audio, introducing many hit models such as SQ-38, SQ-505, MQ-60, CL-35, etc. to name a few.

During 1977 -1980 he was stationed in New York in the capacity of the president of the US affiliate, Lux Audio of America. At that time, so-called Hi-End Audio manufacturers such as Mark Levinson appeared in the marketplace, which exerted a great influence on his later creation of the Air-Tight brand.

Having retired from Lux Corp. in 1985, he formed A & M Ltd. with Mr. M. Ishiguro and started design for his 1st model ATM-1 amp. In those days, all the manufacturers are absolutely for solid-state gears and even Lux Corp. renowned for tube amps was inclined to stop the production. It being a sheer waste to leave on the shelf such outstanding amplifying components as tubes, he began to think to make what he wants if all shift to transistors & semi-conductors, motivated by the existence of such audio precursors as M/S. S. Marantz and M. Levinson he met in his US days.

Since his big senior Mr. H. Hayakawa left LUXMAN Co., Mr. Miura is the only person engaged in this industry. To requite the favours given by Mr. Hayakawa & Mr. Yoshikawa his father-in-law, he is striving to do something contributing to development of the cultural world of audio.

Incidentally, the A & M company was named after 3 acronyms: 1st, the initials of Atsushi Miura himself, 2ndly, Atsushi & his wife Mari, 3rdly, Atsushi & Masami (Ishiguro) his engineering partner "

Vizita la fabrica cat si alte detalii aici:

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Re: Air Tight

Post by momolo »

Merci MariusO ! (excelent!).

Teoretic, eu le-as combina cu niste incinte Ocellia ! :)

SOLO, cand ai ascultat preul ala "vrajitor", din ce era compus sistemul audio si ce soiuri de muzici rula ?
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Re: Air Tight

Post by MariusO »

Vis-a-vis de sisteme cu care s-a prezentat la show-uri Hi-Fi, mai jos un link de la Montreal High-End Audio Show 2006: ... /index.htm

Equipment list of the show:
Make Model
Source McIntosh MVP860
Pre-amp Air Tight ATC-2
Power amp Air Tight ATM-211 Special Edition
Speakers JAS Oscar
Power Conditioning IsoClean PT-3030G with Focus cables
Power Cord - Source IsoClean Auto Focus
Power Cord - Preamp IsoClean Auto Focus
Power Cord - Amp IsoClean Focus
Inter Connect - CD to Pre Nordost Tyr
Inter Connect - Pre to Power Nordost Valhalla

Nu pot sa nu remarc SACD-ul Dire Straits - Brothers in arms (editie aniversara 25 ani,remasterizata) printre cd-uri de test, care de altfel se gaseste de peste 1 an si pe la noi prin comert, la un pret f. bun. Fiecare cu ce-l doare :D

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Re: Air Tight

Post by SOLO »

momolo wrote:Merci MariusO ! (excelent!).

Teoretic, eu le-as combina cu niste incinte Ocellia ! :)

SOLO, cand ai ascultat preul ala "vrajitor", din ce era compus sistemul audio si ce soiuri de muzici rula ?
Prima oara l-am ascultat acum 2 luni. Tin minte ca vazusem o amplificare Plinius in rack si nu imi aduceam aminte sa sune asa de frumos :wink: . Mi-am dat seama ca era vina pre-ului . Cu Viola a fost la fel.. l-a trezit la viata .
Initial crezusem ca e o vechitura ( gen Threshold ) si eram innebunit sa-l cumpar . Cand am aflat pretul m-am linistit . De-atunci l-am tot ascultat pe diferite boxe ( Magneplanar , Burmester , Opera , Thiel ) si cu amplificari de tot felul ( Burmester , Viola , Plinius .. etc. ) . Cel mai mult mi-a placut tot cu o amplificare Air Tight ( ceva la 80 de watt ) . Muzica Jazz si Orchestra

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