Mare expozitie mare

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Mare expozitie mare

Post by LEKTOR »

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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by LEKTOR »

Printre premianti - FURUTECH - cind credeai ca ai cel mai tare power cable ...

Piezo Ceramic Series Connectors • A Furutech First!

Furutech’s Pure Transmission FI-50 Piezo Ceramic series connector bodies and housings feature several breakthrough construction techniques. A multilayer nonmagnetic stainless steel and carbon fiber shell incorporates a special damping and insulating acetal copolymer. Furutech settled on stainless and carbon fiber for the outer housing after extensive listening sessions with Japanese industry figures and audiophiles.

The body of the connectors combines two “active” materials: Nano-sized ceramic particles and powdered carbon.
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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by Alexx »

Din pura curiozitate, cat costa un astfel de conector? Inteleg ca e vorba numai de mufa, practic, nu si de cablu.

De cand am vazut cat costa un Powerline de la Naim sunt extrem de retinut cu entuziasmul fata de aftermarket powercords. :roll:

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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by momolo »

eu ma tem ca stecherul ala poate sa strepezeasca sunetul!....Si daca zic asta, ma bazez eu pe ceva! :roll:
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by LEKTOR »

Ala mare costa $ 230 - doar stekeru'
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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by LEKTOR »

Am observat ca se pune accentul la CES09 pe wireless power stuff ( witricity ) - ex wireless charging -

Si ceva principii - ... power.html
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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by akaiofil »

pina la urma ai fost la expozitie? :)
It's the music, stupid!

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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by LEKTOR »

Nu, nu am apucat pe acolo, am fost anii trecuti cind eram mai liber - poate la anul si o sa fac un mini reportaj !!!!
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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by akaiofil » ... index.html

sint curios daca merge cu toate cele 4 brate deodata.... :)
It's the music, stupid!

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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by LEKTOR »

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Re: Mare expozitie mare

Post by momolo »

La cum arata doar te uiti la el si te linistesti ca nu ai dat banii degeaba! :roll: Tare!
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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