Disparitia HD

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Re: Disparitia HD

Post by puf »

Daca te intereseaza strict calitatea imaginii si poti trece peste alte aspecte, alegerea momentului este plasma Panasonic VT20.Modelul nou VT30 prezentat la CES va prelua probabil coroana in acest an, fiind prima tentativa Panasonic de a egala ultima generatie de plasma Pioneer G9 considerata inca superioara dar care nu se mai fabrica din 2009.

Televizoarele cu LED backlight sunt facute exact pe dorinta si cerinta cumparatorului majoritar neavizat care vrea ceva luminos, culorii vibrante, oversharp la greu.Dupa achizitia minunii preafrumoase va constata ca luminozitatea mare este mai mult decat deranjanta iar reducerea ei omorara complet dinamica, culorile alea vii sunt defapt suprasaturate si gresite iar chestia cu ultraclar este defapt un contur fals aplicat permanent si fara posibilitatea de anulare.
Astea sunt doar cateva aspecte, in amanunt poti gasi bube gramada care pot deveni obsedante nu doar deranjante.
Rezultatul o imagine plastica, artificala, obositoare, enervanta.
Ca regula de bun simt, pretul scazut reprezinta garantia unei proaste performante, pretul ridicat nu asigura nici un fel de calitate dar macar acolo exista o speranta ca este posibil sa ai ceva decent.

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Re: Disparitia HD

Post by momolo »

puf wrote:Dupa achizitia minunii preafrumoase va constata ca luminozitatea mare este mai mult decat deranjanta iar reducerea ei omorara complet dinamica, culorile alea vii sunt defapt suprasaturate si gresite iar chestia cu ultraclar este defapt un contur fals aplicat permanent si fara posibilitatea de anulare.
puf ai exprimat super concis ce voiam si eu si altii sa spunem !
puf wrote:Ca regula de bun simt, pretul scazut reprezinta garantia unei proaste performante, pretul ridicat nu asigura nici un fel de calitate dar macar acolo exista o speranta ca este posibil sa ai ceva decent.
e un mare adevar care se poate aplica chiar si in audio! Dorinta noastra este fireasca sa cautam calitatea pe bani putini insa mai ales in lumea de azi nu o vom gasi niciodata acolo.

M-am tot gandit totusi de ce majoritatea cumparatorilor aleg prost in materie de panouri TV. Gasesc o similaritate cu domeniul audio unde anumite branduri castiga la public prin impresionarea perceptiilor pe termen foarte scurt, adica stimularea in exces a simturilor in primele minute/ore (mai ales a oamenilor mai putin experimentati/informati in domeniu). Practic in conditiile de magazin si la prima vedere, panourile prea luminoase, prea colorate si over sharp castiga ochiul "gushterului" un pic ametit de alegere si conditii. S-au facut studii psihologice si s-a constatat ca omul devenit cumparator-alegator intr-un magazin mare, gandeste aproape irational si nici macar partea instinctuala nu-i ramane neafectata. Unii psihologi spun ca majoritatea oamenilor isi pierd ratiunea de bun simt si spiritul de autoconservare intr-un magazin mare/supermarket si aseamana aceasta stare cu cea sub influenta drogurilor. In aceste conditii subiectul actioneaza la stimuli exagerati.

Practic cunosc cel putin 10 oameni/familii care au ales panou mare LCD si alte 10 care au ales plasma. In conditii de magazin LCD-ul pare la prima vedere mult mai clar si mai luminos-"frumos". Rezultatul este interesant, nici unul din cei 10 cu LCD nu este multumit dupa minim cateva luni de utilizare si aproape toti spun ca daca se uita mai multe ore in sir obosesc pe cand nici unul din cei 10 cu plasme nu e nemultumit iar cativa dintre ei se uita ca maniacii ore in sir. Multi si-au setat plasmele si mai "palide" si cu sharpul mai jos ca cele expuse in magazin (setate in general pe default). Daca erau setate in magazin astfel nici ei poate nu le alegeau.
Si inca ceva - practic nici un producator nu are sharp-ul zero la setarea zero, toti seteaza default in + sharp. De exemplu la Panasonic zero sharp real e pe undeva pe la minus jumatate din setare.
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Re: Disparitia HD

Post by Obelix »

Trebuie sa recunosc cu modestie ca impartasesc destul de putin mania revolutionara a bravilor audiofili fata de noile tehnologii video... :mrgreen:
"Excursiile mele de studii"... in malluri si alte locuri rau famate in care un "om de bine" nu are ce cauta nu mi-au permis sa fiu atata de categoric, mai ales ca intr-o folosire "normala" ceea ce pare sa conteze cel mai mult este SI calitatea conversiei "definitie standard --> HD"
Am vazut plasme de cacao si excelente, LCD de toata jena si foarte bune, LED bun sau prost. banuiesc ca toate sunt prezentate cu reglajele de uzina si ca in anume cazuri aceasta se poate ameliora.
In plus, emisiunile HD terestre se pare ca se fac in mod 1080i degradat (1440 x 1080), rezolutie practic imposibil de gasit la ecranele uzuale...
Chiar, cine cunoaste detalii despre tehnologia Neo PDP (Panasonic) calitatea vizuala mi se pare buna, ca si preturile...

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Re: Disparitia HD

Post by momolo »

Sharp Should Have Licensed The Name KURO - Not Elite
Let me just say that I am a fan of Sharp's newest line of HDTVs for I just installed their newest 70-inch Quattron enabled LED LCD HDTV across from my desk in my new office. I am using it for Blu-rays, as a third monitor on my Apple Mac Pro tower and to watch another season of NHL hockey from my desk when the 2011-12 season rolls around. The set doesn't suffer from the same edge lighting issues that my new Samsung UN65C6500 65 inch LED does, however it doesn't possess the same form factor.

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Why I may be a fan of Sharp, their recent move to resurrect the defunct Pioneer KURO line of HDTVs under the "Elite" moniker has me scratching my head. Much like Sony's XBR series of televisions, Pioneer Elite TVs offered upgraded aesthetics as well as increased performance resulting in higher prices. For years people bought Pioneer Elite televisions especially their lauded "big screen" sets which in the early 1990s were about as good as money could buy. Sharp, a household name in Japan but not in the United States, licensed the Elite name from Pioneer to come out with a new line of high end HDTVs complete with 3D technology and an upgraded, glossy look.

Sharp's new Elite branded HDTVs that were recently announced in New York include a $6,000 60-inch and - get this - an $8,500 70-inch display. While these displays are branded with the Elite name, active 3D functionality and a different physical look, they still appear eerily similar to some of Sharp's existing LED backlit HDTVs - say for instance the 70-inch Sharp hanging in my office which retails for two thirds less. Perhaps I am missing something but on a week when the Dow Industrials lost 4.6 percent of its value, don't you have to offer more value to the consumer than 3D, a new brand name and a shiny wrapper to earn $4,000 more per TV?

HomeTheater.com video guru, Tom Norton, who went to the Sharp New York press event, noted that LED HDTVs still have "halo" or "blooming" issues that plasma (think Pioneer Elite, Panasonic, LG) sets don't have. At $6,500 and $8,000 respectfully you can look at plasma solutions from the likes of Panasonic or LG, for both make 60 plus inch plasma displays that don't suffer this fate. Of course you could easily purchase a capable HD front projector and a high contrast screen for what Sharp - I mean Elite - is hoping to charge for their new 60 and 70-inch models.

Where Sharp really blew it was in the licensing of the name Elite. The real juice in the market is in Pioneer's KURO brand name over Elite. The Elite name is good but KURO is where the heart and soul of the enthusiast consumers still are. My article "Its Time To Get Over Pioneer's KURO HDTV" received flames and hate mail from video enthusiasts who refuse to believe that anybody has made a better HDTV than the Pioneer KURO. The truth is Panasonic's current line of plasmas are better, but no fanboy wants to believe there's better than KURO which is why they continue to sell used on Craigslist for $2,000 plus. For my hard earned money, I will take a new set...thank you very much.

When push comes to shove, many consumers will pay $5,000 or more for an HDTV assuming that it is one of the best HDTVs on the market at the time. Consumers were willing to pay $5,000 plus in 1990 when I was a teenager selling Pioneer Elite big screens at Bryn Mawr Stereo in Philadelphia, and they will pay it again today if given the right value proposition. Today, more than ever, video companies have to deliver value. Clearly the value in the Sharp line is downstream, for the specs are almost identical. The Elite name, 3D and a glossy bezel aren't enough for me to even consider bucking up an extra $6,000 for a 70-inch LED HDTV. Hell, for $6,000 you can outfit an entire 7.1 home theater including top performing speakers, an HDMI receiver, universal remote, cabling and more. Consumers demand value and Sharp went Rodeo Drive on us all with their Elite brand. Will the move pay off? Time will tell. If it doesn't maybe Sony can try to revive the KURO. I mean third time is the charm, right?
http://hometheaterreview.com/sharp-shou ... not-elite/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Disparitia HD

Post by momolo »

Sony's 2012 lineup of Blu-ray players, one with 4K

Another year, another slate of new Blu-ray players from Sony. The BDP-S790 is of particular interest with its ability to convert Blu-ray's 1080p to 4K. Both it and the BDP-S590 of course do 3D and include WiFi, which like those before it, facilitates the delivery of more video and audio streaming opportunities than we can list. In addition to favorites like Netflix and Hulu Plus, you can also access the Video Unlimited and Music Unlimited streaming services from the Sony Entertainment Network. If you've ever wished there was an easier way to share what you were watching with your followers and friends, the new Socialize viewing application lets you do just that directly from the player. The new 9-inch portable Blu-ray player, the BDP-SX910, has a rechargeable 4-hour battery, built-in speakers and a USB port for content that doesn't come on a shiny disk. The press release after the break has no mention of price or availability, but we'd guess Q2 2012 for less than what you probably paid last year.
http://www.engadget.com/2012/01/09/sony ... e-with-4k/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Disparitia HD

Post by Obi Wan »

Pentru diagonale de pina in jur de 65 inchi e suficient HD. Pentru diagonale mai mari se simte nevoia de o rezolutie gen 4k sau chiar 8k. Si in domeniul receiverelor au aparut astfel de rezolutii pentru partea de procesare video. Primii au fost cei de la Onkyo.

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