Este un aparat mai rar prin Europa fiind mai mult raspandit in state si care nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din casa nici unuia care indrageste sunetul ANALOGIC!
Acest model are functia de expandor de dinamica cu pana la 150% a materialului original,impartind banda audio in 3 benzi (LF,MF si HF) avand ca reglaj intensitatea expandarii in procente precum si lcoul de unde sa inceapa expandarea.
Comparativ cu modelele 1BX care lucreaza in tandem pe toata banda de frecvente,3BX-III imparte banda audio in 3 benzi de frecventa (LF joase,MF medii,HF inalte) procesand fiecare banda in parte evitand astfel efectul de breathing care este caracteristic expandoarelor pe o singura banda si care intervine datorita faptului ca,procesand un efect de frecventa joasa in materialul audio,se deschide si expandeaza automat si partea de inalte de unde intervine un mic zgomot cateodata audibil la tranzitii rapide.
3BX-III lucreaza individual cu semnalele audio de frecv. joasa,expandandu-le separat si nemodificand astfel partea de medii si inalte,inlaturand efectul de breathing.
Multe editii de albume vechi au fost remasterate trecandu-se printr-un expandor de dinamica asemanator, rezultatul fiind exceptional (daca nu s-a ales expandare digitala de dinamica) si noile editii remasterizate astfel pot suna chiar mai bine decat editiile vechi originale!
Se stie ca orice post de radio FM este compresat dinamic la transmisie si chiar si vinil-urile,ei bine acest aparat reda naturaletea si dinamica oricarui material compresat astfel putand savura dinamica CD-ului digital chiar si pe sculele vechi analogice!
Rezultatul redarii de ex. a unei benzi de mag trasa normal fara nici un reducator de zgomot este pur si simplu uluitor,dispare tot zgomotul in pasajele cu liniste si se amplifica varfurile in pasajele cu volum ridicat fara nici un fel de artefact specific unei procesari digitale.
Pe langa expandare dinamica mai are doua functii IMPORTANTE si anume IMPACT RESTORATION care reconstituie
atacul instrumentelor in cazul auditiei unor concerte live,avand prag reglabil al intensitatii atacului.
Mai are si functia de AMBIENCE, ft. rar intalnita la asemenea procesoare care are menirea de-a largi soundstage-ul oricarei imprimari,astfel perceptia stereo devenind o adevarata placere!
Poate fi folosit cu succes si drept un reducator de zgomot dinamic pt. imprimarile analogice facute normal (fara dolby sau dbx),prin expandarea dinamica el impingand in jos zgomotul (care este finit si de nivel scazut) si crescand ca amplitudine tot ce este de nivel mai mare,avand si plaja de reglaj de unde sa inceapa si cat sa ridice
Astfel,acest aparat aduce placerea auditiei de benzi/casete analogice,a vinilurilor precum si a posturilor de radio FM la un alt nivel de perceptie !
Devices such as "noise gates","correlators" and "horizontal filters" may be able to substract noise from certain types of programs,but they do not significantly improve the dynamic range of program in any other way.In addition,such devices may be misled by certain types of music,causing undesirable changes in sound, or they may change the frequency response of the program,or even remove parts of the music.
The DBX 3BX dynamic expander represents a new state of the art in expansion.With it's linear dB expansion,RMS detection,VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier) and program-controlled attack and release rates,it avoids the midrange coloration of pre-emphasized units and the "noise modulation" of the units dividing the audio spectrum in many bands.It does not substract any frequency component from the music,instead it reduces it's gain during quiet passages and increasing it's gain during loud passages,achieving 35 dB or more of natural sound expansion.
Linear dB Expansion
Once the signal has been detected,the expander knows when to increase or decrease it's level.The circuit that actually performs this change is called VCA "voltage control amplifier".While some expanders may increase or decrease the program level by a fixed amount,DBX-3BX dynamic expander increases or decreases the program on a linear decibel basis.This means that output dinamic range and the input dynamic range are linearly related by the "expansion ratio" over the entire dynamic range for a smooth natural sound without artefacts or breathing.
This popular component restores the punch & dynamic range thats lost due to heavy compression & limiting to phono signals, tape recordings & even radio broadcast.
Everybody knows that dbx builds state-of-the-art signal processing equipment, however, the 3BX is not for everyone.
If you're an audiophile with a large collection of vinyl, this is for you.
This unit gently expands the dynamic range, or ratio of loud to soft, in a recording from 1.0 to 1.5 without audible artifacts of digital sound processing.
It also has Impact Restoration of instrument attacks that is lost mostly in live performances.
Another great feature called Ambience will give you back the desired soundstage,making the old recordings sound more stereophonic,also the grass will be much greaner and the sky will be much more blue than before.
You can almost never have too much dynamic range in your audio! This does an amazing job bringing life back to old recordings, records & tapes, etc. Or even radio broadcasts and CD's from old tape masters.
Makes even a mediocre audio system sound like twice the price.
This one is three bands, High, Middle, Low, with a control for the amount of expansion/compression,for the transition level,for impact restoration (used for live recordings) and for amibence (it can enlarge the soundstage so the stereophonic image becomes wider).
This is what makes it so powerful. if you have a noise floor on a recording, you can adjust the transition level to just the right point where the music is expanded and the noise is not,so this way it behaves just like a powerfull dynamic noise reduction without the well known breathing effect caused by time constant and transitions.
The 3BX-DS (Digital Series) does not have any AD or DA conversion,it's pure analog and it's the best and last dbx product made in the early 90's,just by the time when Audio CD started to become so popular,bringing the much desired CD Dynamics even to old analog recordings,this way making possible to have the best of both worlds!
Aspect estetic ft. ingrijit,functionare pe 220-240V, Made in JAPAN
Vine impreuna cu manualul sau si cu reclamele din pliantele de prezentare din pozele de mai jos
Pe ebay cateodata aceste aparate 3BX depasesc chiar si 500$ plus ca nici transportul nu e de neglijat,precum si taxa vamala care nu e deloc mica la aceasta valoare declarata. A costat 1.400 DM de nou.
Pt. mai multe poze si detalii din pliantele originale accesati va rog linkurile de mai jos
Pret : 600 RON
Expandor dinamic DBX 3BX-DS pt mag,cass,vinil,FM
- Posts: 35
- Joined: 05 Feb 2009, 15:45
Re: Expandor dinamic DBX 3BX-DS pt mag,cass,vinil,FM
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