... =100000248
iDiamond - the device was created by Thomas Heyerdahl, who is a Norwegian jeweler. The world’s most expensive MP3 player is comprised of solid eighteen karat white and pink gold and is also covered with over 430 diamonds. The earplugs are also made from the same gold that the device is made from.
The iDiamond is said to be worth approximately twenty thousand pounds, which is approximately $40,500 USD
P.S Il incarci cu manele si reteta este completa !!!
Player digital de $$$ - sunet pe masura ?
Player digital de $$$ - sunet pe masura ?
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: Player digital de $$$ - sunet pe masura ?
Pina sa descarci mp3 pe iDiamond, le poti stoca temporar pe acest memory stick
The most expensive USB Stick is decorated with diamonds and gold and offers you to take 14 or 18 carat gold stick . Its retailed price is $ 3,500 (with diamonds) and $ 2,800 without them
The most expensive USB Stick is decorated with diamonds and gold and offers you to take 14 or 18 carat gold stick . Its retailed price is $ 3,500 (with diamonds) and $ 2,800 without them
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: Player digital de $$$ - sunet pe masura ?
Daca situatia ar fi invers, adica audiofilii majoritari si aia cu mp3-ul/ipod-ul in urechi aflati in minoritate, atunci ar aparea si Burmester batut in diamante cu mufe din aur masiv si carcasa de platina.
Intotdeauna se gaseste cate un "gigi" care sa le cumpere.
Se da si lant de aur bonus la chestiile alea ?!
Intotdeauna se gaseste cate un "gigi" care sa le cumpere.
Se da si lant de aur bonus la chestiile alea ?!
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.
Re: Player digital de $$$ - sunet pe masura ?
Nu se stie niciodata "de unde sare lantul" ..
Every foot from the wall adds 1000$ to the sound
*Doneaza pentru libertatea si sustenabilitatea forumului
*Doneaza pentru libertatea si sustenabilitatea forumului