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Re: Stiri

Post by atyclb »

Sarah Brightman concerteaza pe 28 octombrie la Sala Palatului. ... n-12540286" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Stiri

Post by atyclb »

Eric Clapton pregateste un nou album. Este vorba de un disc tribut in memoria lui JJ Cale. La acest disc a colaborat cu Mark Knopfler, John Mayer, Willie Nelson, Tom Petty, Derek Trucks and Don White. Discul va aparea pe 29 iulie.
Eric Clapton has often stated that JJ Cale is one of the single most important figures in rock history, a sentiment echoed by many of his fellow musicians. Cale’s influence on Clapton was profound, and his influence on many more of today’s artists cannot be overstated. To honor JJ’s legacy, a year after his passing, Clapton gathered a group of like-minded friends and musicians for Eric Clapton & Friends: The Breeze, An Appreciation of JJ Cale scheduled to be released July 29, 2014. With performances by Clapton, Mark Knopfler, John Mayer, Willie Nelson, Tom Petty, Derek Trucks and Don White, the album features 16 beloved JJ Cale songs and is named for the 1972 single “Call Me The Breeze.” The album is available for pre-order at" onclick=";return false;

“I would like people to tap into what JJ Cale did – that’s the point. I’m just the messenger; I’ve always felt that that’s my job. I try to interpret things so that the public at large, or at least the people who listen to what I do, will become intrigued about where I got it from,” said Clapton.

After years admiring JJ Cale’s work and covering several of his songs such as “After Midnight” and “Cocaine”, Clapton finally collaborated with Cale for the first time in his career on the 2006 original album Road to Escondido. At the time, Clapton said “This is the realization of what may have been my last ambition, to work with the man whose music has inspired me for as long as I can remember.”

JJ Cale’s music consistently defied being labeled into any one category, but instead found influences across the spectrum of blues, rock, country and folk -- a hybrid sound that has influenced a long list of artists. He was known for being reclusive. He let his music speak for itself and by his own choice never became famous in the conventional terms of the word. Instead, he preferred to shun the spotlight for a more simple existence based on his musical creations. Ironically, doing just that, and focusing on music, turned him into a guitar legend.

Cale grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and cited Chet Atkins, Les Paul and Chuck Berry as some of his earliest influences. He was often quoted as saying, “In trying to imitate them, I missed it. And I came up with my own kinda thing.” And so, Cale began playing the local Tulsa club scene in the early 1950’s surrounded by other natives such as David Gates (Bread) and Leon Russell. After moving to Los Angeles in the mid-60’s, he recorded the song “After Midnight.”

Already an accomplished guitarist with bands such as the Yardbirds, Cream and Blind Faith, Clapton ventured to a solo career with the release of his 1970 self-titled Eric Clapton album. Mutual friend Delaney Bramlett had given Clapton a copy of Cale’s song “After Midnight.” Clapton decided to cover the song and it was the first single from the album. The song became a chart-topping success. Clapton was quick to offer praise for Cale’s work while promoting the album. Cale had been told of the cover but said that he didn’t pay much attention until the song came on the radio in Tulsa.

Years later, in April 1976, Cale was performing at London’s Hammersmith Odeon in support of his Troubadour album release. Clapton sat in on the performance and later during that trip surprised Cale in the studio with a version of “Cocaine” that would appear on his 1977 Slowhand release, again becoming a chart-topping success.

In 2004 Clapton organized a guitar festival called Crossroads that was a 3-day event featuring the world’s most elite guitarists. Clapton invited Cale to perform at the first Crossroads Guitar Festival and Cale agreed to attend the event, where Clapton proudly sat in as a member of his band.

Cale’s entire 40-plus year career produced only 15 albums. Lauded by his peers and completely unfazed by musical fads, JJ Cale is an American icon, a craftsman like no other.

Clapton’s career, also spanning more than 50 years, has resulted in 18 Grammy Awards and the distinct honor of being the only triple inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

The Breeze will be available JULY 29, 2014" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Stiri

Post by brighty »

atyclb wrote:Sarah Brightman concerteaza pe 28 octombrie la Sala Palatului. ... n-12540286" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
ACUM abia vad stirea!... :) :shock: :shock: :shock:
Nu pot sa cred!!! :) Fantastic!...

Daca ma "cheama" brighty, va dati seama ca voi fi acolo, prezent!...

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Re: Stiri

Post by atyclb »

atyclb wrote:Peter Gabriel concerteaza la Bucuresti pe 08 mai 2014, la Romexpo." onclick=";return false;

A mai ramas doar un strop pana la concertul lui Peter Gabriel de la Romexpo. Trebuie sa spun ca am o mare strangere in spate vizavi de acest concert, din cauza locatiei. E prima oara pt mine cand merg la un concert in interiorul Romexpo, dar amavut o experianta proasta la Roma in sala "Palalottomatica" in 2011, o chestie ce seamana cu Romexpo, sala rotunda, plina de geamuri. Am fost acolo sa il vad pe Mark Knopfler si Bob Dylan.

Pe Mark il vedeam atunci pt a treia oara, sunetul la concertele lui e impecabil, dar la Roma a fost jale cu un "J" foarte mare. Sunetistului a avut tare multa bataie de cap, abia dupa 40 de minute a reusit sa scoata ceva, ceva din sunet (adica aproape de sfarsitul prestatiei lui Mark Knopfler), dar departe de ce am auzit la precedentele concerte si de ce am auzit la Bucuresti la Sala Palatului.

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Re: Stiri

Post by Gabriel_Wo »

Numai sunt sunetistii :? de alta data! Inainte si un miniconcert adhoc a unui trupe rock, de genul celor de la Costinesti sau Navodari (Sfinx, Metropol, Metrock, Progresiv TM, Iris..etc) sunau bine, spre f. bine. :) Ieri se auzea muzica, azi e huruiala.

La ce urechi se educa in ziua de azi, peste 10_15 ani, concertele vor fi ..dodecafonice. Tot materialul discografic strans cu ravna, va fi scaparea..
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Re: Stiri

Post by Obi Wan »

Deabia m-am intors de la concertul lui Peter Gabriel si inca sunt sub impresia momentului. Un concert foarte reusit. A fost o experienta inedita sa ascult albumul So live cintat integral in partea a 3-a a concertului.

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Re: Stiri

Post by mihaiLLL »

Da,un concert reusit,aplaudat din belsug,insa sunetul nu prea mi-a placut,cred ca se putea si mai bine

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Re: Stiri

Post by momolo »

Pai cum naiba sa auzi ceva la ROMEXPO ?!?! Asta e locatie de stadion, nici pentru manele nu e buna.
Cand am vazut unde se tine m-am lasat bagubas. S-a umplut hangarul ala ?!

Apropos de concerte, alaltaieri a fost Al Bano la Sala Palatului (7 mai), a fost cineva sa ne povesteasca ?!
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Re: Stiri

Post by Kostas »

Domnul profesor Dumitru Avakian, un reper in critica muzicala a fost decorat astazi cu Ordinul Pentru Merit in grad de cavaler. Felicitari maestre !
"Muzica este un răspuns căruia nu i s-a pus nici o întrebare". - Nichita Stănescu

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Re: Stiri

Post by mihaiLLL »

Piesele mai lente se auzeau ok,dar la pasaje mai aglomerate,mai in forta, acustica sali de la Romexpo lasa de dorit,asta e,am ramas cu un gust amar din acesta cauza.

La Albano a fost nevasta-mea,cica a fost superb,Albanica arata bine chiar si la 71 de ani,vorbeste mult(deh macaronar)ft. popular si a cantat ft. frumos,piesele bine stiute deja,deci piticu' se tine bine :D

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Re: Stiri

Post by brighty »

Ca tot discutam asta-toamna intre noi despre vioara Stradivarius detinuta de Alexandru Tomescu:

Alexandru Tomescu si Eduard Kunz in Turneul Stradivarius In the mood for Prokofiev

Itinerarul Turneului National Stradivarius 2014:
18 mai - Targu Mures - Palatul Culturii, ora 19.00
20 mai - Bistrita - Sinagoga, ora 19.00
21 mai - Cluj-Napoca - Casa Studentilor, ora 20.00
25 mai - Timisoara - Filarmonica Banatul, ora 19.00
27 mai - Oradea - Filarmonica, ora 19.00
29 mai - Hunedoara - Castelul Corvinilor, ora 19.00
30 mai - Sibiu - Sala Thalia a Filarmonicii, ora 19.00
3 iunie - Pitesti - Casa de Cultura a Sindicatelor, ora 19.00
4 iunie - Craiova - Filarmonica Oltenia, ora 19.00
7 iunie - Bacau - Filarmonica, ora 19.00
9 iunie - Iasi - Universitatea Nationala de Arte "George Enescu", ora 19.00
11 iunie - Bucuresti - Sala Radio, ora 19.00 ... kofiev.htm" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Stiri

Post by momolo »

Ian Anderson's JETHRO TULL - 20 Iun 2014
Vineri, 20 Iunie 2014, ora 20:00
Sala Palatului, Bucuresti
In aceasta vara, dupa concertele pe care le va sustine in Anglia si Cehia, trupa Jethro Tull revine in Romania! Legendara formatie revine in tara noastra impreuna cu Jan Anderson pentru a-i fascina din nou pe fani cu amestecul lor fermecator de hard rock, sonoritati folk si tente de blues. Concertul ce promoveaza noul album „Homo Erraticus” va avea loc pe 20 iunie la Sala Palatului din Bucuresti.
Ian Anderson - Homo Erraticus:" onclick=";return false;

Sunt sigur ca sala va fi plina ochi de-o sa dea pe rascoale, biletele sunt pe terminate. Eu inca ezit daca sa merg sau nu deoarece nu m-am dat niciodata in vant pentru muzica asta. Insa stiu ca au foarte, foarte multi fani in Romania, multi de varsta mea. Daca amplificarea va fi proasta (si sunt sanse!) va fi naspa. Dar ma gandesc, poate Ian Anderson nu va accepta amplificare manelara.
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Re: Stiri

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ARCUB vă invită în perioada 2-6 iulie în Piața George Enescu la Bucharest Jazz Festival.

Muzicieni de renume din lumea jazz-ului vor urca pe scena din centrul Capitalei pentru a le face spectatorilor o demonstraţie live despre capacitatea nelimitată a muzicii de a transmite mesaje şi despre nemărginitul talent al unor artişi valoroşi precum: Alex Simu Quartet, Ana Cristina Leonte, Carmen Lundi, Lee Konitz, John Scofield și mulți alții.

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Re: Stiri

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Un album considerat pierdut al trupei Queen, regasit si lansat dupa 40 de ani: ... 63861.html" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Stiri

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Bucharest Music Film Festival

20.06.2014-29.06.2014, PIAȚA GEORGE ENESCU

În perioada 20-29 iunie, cu o abordare modernă, dar păstrând rafinamentul și eleganța muzicii clasice, orchestre și trupe cu renume vor susține o serie de concerte inedite, și vor coborî magia muzicii de pe partituri, în mijlocul Pieței George Enescu.

Anul acesta, în “grădina muzicală” din fața Ateneului, vor urca pe scenă ansamblurile Mercury Quartet, Orchestra Națională Radio, Camerata Regală, Filarmonica George Enescu, Bucharest Jazz Orchestra, Spirit of Vienna, Symphactory Orchestra, Romanian Radio Brass Quintet, Klasikvm Ensemble, Sonomania, cvartetele Capriccio, Subito, Artmusik, Grupul Vocal Acapella și Duo Cello Jaya.

Trupa VUNK, soliștii Teodor Ilincăi, Răzvan Stoica, Julia Koci, Andreas Jankowitsch, Nicu Alifantis, Zoltan Nagy, Matei Ioachimescu, Silviu Dumitrache și dirijorii Tiberiu Soare, George Natsis, Willy Büchler, Constantin Grigore, Gabriel Bebeselea vor încânta publicul adunat în Piața George Enescu, pentru cea de-a IX-a ediție a Bucharest Music Film Festival.

Programul detaliat, aici:" onclick=";return false;

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