MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Il stiu! O data l-am si auzit ! E super de super ! Pacat ca nu a pus si o poza de la spate sa-i vedeti mufele !
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Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Da, sunt foarte rare magnetofoanele "civile" care au mecanica si electronica separate...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel ) ... T2022.html" onclick=";return false;
Varianta quadro 2044 -
Varianta quadro 2044 -
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
MAGURI IN FILME ... movies.htm" onclick=";return false; ... movies.htm" onclick=";return false;
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
// OFF TOPIC: "Einar forever"
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Pai tot el deschisese topicul cu filmele si dincolo ...
Magul Sony din Lost il stiam...
Referitor la maguri din 2 bucati - cel mai rar / dorit ramine Technics RS-1800 -are si viteza de 76 cm/sec" onclick=";return false; ... S1500.html" onclick=";return false; ... /1800s.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... eck_01.jpg" onclick=";return false;
Magul Sony din Lost il stiam...
Referitor la maguri din 2 bucati - cel mai rar / dorit ramine Technics RS-1800 -are si viteza de 76 cm/sec" onclick=";return false; ... S1500.html" onclick=";return false; ... /1800s.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... eck_01.jpg" onclick=";return false;
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Si cand ma gandesc ca am fost suficient de bou sa las sa "plece" unul din seria 1500, mi se parea scump, ATUNCI... circa 260€...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Technicsul venea in 2 bucati, in 2 cutii separate - "flight cases " - se foloseau in inregistrari concerte live
Ceva de genul asta - ... 528758.jpg" onclick=";return false;
Ceva de genul asta - ... 528758.jpg" onclick=";return false;
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
pe aici au fost vremuri cand luai AKAI GX 747 cu 150 dolari ! Asa ca au fost si altii boi.Si cand ma gandesc ca am fost suficient de bou sa las sa "plece" unul din seria 1500, mi se parea scump, ATUNCI... circa 260€...
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Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel ) ... chive.html" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... 779859076/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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FOSTEX:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
NAGRA:" onclick=";return false;
SONY: ... 3/sale.htm" onclick=";return false; ... .sized.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
STUDER:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... r-a820.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... s-6521.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... 0klein.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 0584_1.jpg" onclick=";return false;*aI ... oolsmx.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... 779859076/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
AKAI:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
TECHNICS:" onclick=";return false;
Pioneer:" onclick=";return false; ... 75&page=34" onclick=";return false;
TEAC:" onclick=";return false; ... C00459.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... C01951.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... eac046.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... 340S_2.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... C_2340.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... -PL-GR.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... _parts.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... %20002.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... -bande.jpg" onclick=";return false;
TASCAM:" onclick=";return false;
FOSTEX:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
NAGRA:" onclick=";return false;
SONY: ... 3/sale.htm" onclick=";return false; ... .sized.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
STUDER:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... r-a820.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... s-6521.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... 0klein.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 0584_1.jpg" onclick=";return false;*aI ... oolsmx.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Am gasit aceste discutii
Even today, many artists of all genres prefer analog tape's "musical", "natural" and especially "warm" sound. Due to harmonic distortion, bass can thicken up, creating the illusion of a fuller-sounding mix. In addition, high end can be slightly compressed, which is more natural to the human ear. It is common for artists to record to digital and re-record the tracks to analog reels for this effect of "natural" sound. In addition to all of these attributes of tape, tape saturation is a unique form of distortion that many rock and blues artists find very pleasing.
Euphonic distortion and noise levels aside, high-quality analog tape currently outstrips the transparency of all but the best digital recording/playback systems: digital systems can suffer from (among other problems) clock jitter, inferior analog circuitry, inferior digital filter design, improper wordlength conversion, and/or lack of correct dithering. Dramatic improvements in the average quality of digital hardware design are narrowing the gap, though, and might soon eliminate the quality distinction altogether.
Even though a recording on tape may have been made with studio quality, tape speed was the limiting factor, much like sample rate is today. Decreasing the speed of analog audio tape causes a uniform decrease in high-frequency presence, increased background noise (hiss), more noticeable dropouts where there are flaws in the magnetic tape, and shifting of the (Gaussian) background noise spectrum toward lower frequencies (where it sounds more "granular",) regardless of the audio content. An MP3 of a noisy rock band at a low bit rate will have many more artifacts than a simple flute solo at the same bitrate, whereas either on low-speed tape will have the same uniform background noise profile and the same limited frequency spectrum (rolled-off high end) but no dynamic distortion patterns.
A recording on magnetic audio tape is linear; unlike today's digital audio, not only was jumping from spot to spot to edit time consuming, editing was destructive -- unless the recording was duplicated before edit, normally taking the same amount of time to copy, in order to preserve 75-90 percent[citation needed] of the quality of the original. Editing was done either with a razor blade--by physically cutting and splicing the tape, in a manner similar to motion picture film editing--or electronically by dubbing segments onto an edit tape. The former method preserved the full quality of the recording but not the intact original; the latter incurred the same quality loss involved in dubbing a complete copy of the source tape, but preserved the original.
Tape speed is not the only factor affecting the quality of the recording. Other factors affecting quality include track width, tape formulation, and backing material and thickness. The design and quality of the recorder are also important factors, in many ways that are not applicable to digital recording systems (of any kind.) The machine's speed stability (wow-and-flutter), head gap size, head quality, and general head design and technology, and the machine's alignment (mostly a maintenance issue, but also a matter of design--how well and precisely it can be aligned) electro-mechanically affect the quality of the recording.
Tape formulation affects the retention of the magnetic signal, especially high frequencies, the frequency linearity of the tape, the S/N ratio, print-through, optimum AC bias level (which must be set by a technician aligning the machine to match the tape type used, or more crudely set with a switch to approximate the optimum setting.) Tape formulation varies between different tape types (ferric oxide [FeO], chromium dioxide [CrO2], etc.) and also in the precise composition of a specific brand and batch of tape. (Studios therefore generally align their machines for one brand and model number of tape and use only that brand and model.) Backing material type and thickness affect the tensile strength and elasticity of the tape, which affect wow-and-flutter and tape stretch; stretched tape will have a pitch error, possibly fluctuating. Backing thickness also effects print-through, the phenomenon of adjacent layers of tape wound on a reel picking up weak copies of the magnetic signal from each other. Print-through causes unintended pre- and post-echoes on playback, and is generally not fully reversible once it has occurred. The print through effect is another, not well-known limitation of analog tape recording, whether in open-reel or cassette/cartridge formats.
As professional audio evolved from analog magnetic tape to digital media, engineers adapted magnetic tape technology to digital recording, producing digital reel-to-reel magnetic tape machines. Before large hard disks became economical enough to make hard disk recorders viable, and before recordable CD technology was introduced, studio digital recording meant recording on digital tape. One elite brand in this field was the Nagra brand, whose pioneering digital reel-to-reel tape recorders were created after their original analog reel-to-reel units were developed. Digital reel-to-reel tape eliminated all the traditional quality limitations of analog tape, including background noise (hiss), high frequency roll-off, wow and flutter, pitch error, nonlinearity, print-through, and degeneration with copying, but the tape media was even more expensive than professional analog open reel tape, and the linear nature of tape still placed restrictions on access, and winding time to find a particular spot was still a significant drawback. Also, while the quality of digital tape did not progressively degrade with use of the tape, the physical sliding of the tape over the heads and guides meant that the tape still did wear, and eventually that wear would lead to digital errors and permanent loss of quality if the tape was not copied before reaching that point "
Even today, many artists of all genres prefer analog tape's "musical", "natural" and especially "warm" sound. Due to harmonic distortion, bass can thicken up, creating the illusion of a fuller-sounding mix. In addition, high end can be slightly compressed, which is more natural to the human ear. It is common for artists to record to digital and re-record the tracks to analog reels for this effect of "natural" sound. In addition to all of these attributes of tape, tape saturation is a unique form of distortion that many rock and blues artists find very pleasing.
Euphonic distortion and noise levels aside, high-quality analog tape currently outstrips the transparency of all but the best digital recording/playback systems: digital systems can suffer from (among other problems) clock jitter, inferior analog circuitry, inferior digital filter design, improper wordlength conversion, and/or lack of correct dithering. Dramatic improvements in the average quality of digital hardware design are narrowing the gap, though, and might soon eliminate the quality distinction altogether.
Even though a recording on tape may have been made with studio quality, tape speed was the limiting factor, much like sample rate is today. Decreasing the speed of analog audio tape causes a uniform decrease in high-frequency presence, increased background noise (hiss), more noticeable dropouts where there are flaws in the magnetic tape, and shifting of the (Gaussian) background noise spectrum toward lower frequencies (where it sounds more "granular",) regardless of the audio content. An MP3 of a noisy rock band at a low bit rate will have many more artifacts than a simple flute solo at the same bitrate, whereas either on low-speed tape will have the same uniform background noise profile and the same limited frequency spectrum (rolled-off high end) but no dynamic distortion patterns.
A recording on magnetic audio tape is linear; unlike today's digital audio, not only was jumping from spot to spot to edit time consuming, editing was destructive -- unless the recording was duplicated before edit, normally taking the same amount of time to copy, in order to preserve 75-90 percent[citation needed] of the quality of the original. Editing was done either with a razor blade--by physically cutting and splicing the tape, in a manner similar to motion picture film editing--or electronically by dubbing segments onto an edit tape. The former method preserved the full quality of the recording but not the intact original; the latter incurred the same quality loss involved in dubbing a complete copy of the source tape, but preserved the original.
Tape speed is not the only factor affecting the quality of the recording. Other factors affecting quality include track width, tape formulation, and backing material and thickness. The design and quality of the recorder are also important factors, in many ways that are not applicable to digital recording systems (of any kind.) The machine's speed stability (wow-and-flutter), head gap size, head quality, and general head design and technology, and the machine's alignment (mostly a maintenance issue, but also a matter of design--how well and precisely it can be aligned) electro-mechanically affect the quality of the recording.
Tape formulation affects the retention of the magnetic signal, especially high frequencies, the frequency linearity of the tape, the S/N ratio, print-through, optimum AC bias level (which must be set by a technician aligning the machine to match the tape type used, or more crudely set with a switch to approximate the optimum setting.) Tape formulation varies between different tape types (ferric oxide [FeO], chromium dioxide [CrO2], etc.) and also in the precise composition of a specific brand and batch of tape. (Studios therefore generally align their machines for one brand and model number of tape and use only that brand and model.) Backing material type and thickness affect the tensile strength and elasticity of the tape, which affect wow-and-flutter and tape stretch; stretched tape will have a pitch error, possibly fluctuating. Backing thickness also effects print-through, the phenomenon of adjacent layers of tape wound on a reel picking up weak copies of the magnetic signal from each other. Print-through causes unintended pre- and post-echoes on playback, and is generally not fully reversible once it has occurred. The print through effect is another, not well-known limitation of analog tape recording, whether in open-reel or cassette/cartridge formats.
As professional audio evolved from analog magnetic tape to digital media, engineers adapted magnetic tape technology to digital recording, producing digital reel-to-reel magnetic tape machines. Before large hard disks became economical enough to make hard disk recorders viable, and before recordable CD technology was introduced, studio digital recording meant recording on digital tape. One elite brand in this field was the Nagra brand, whose pioneering digital reel-to-reel tape recorders were created after their original analog reel-to-reel units were developed. Digital reel-to-reel tape eliminated all the traditional quality limitations of analog tape, including background noise (hiss), high frequency roll-off, wow and flutter, pitch error, nonlinearity, print-through, and degeneration with copying, but the tape media was even more expensive than professional analog open reel tape, and the linear nature of tape still placed restrictions on access, and winding time to find a particular spot was still a significant drawback. Also, while the quality of digital tape did not progressively degrade with use of the tape, the physical sliding of the tape over the heads and guides meant that the tape still did wear, and eventually that wear would lead to digital errors and permanent loss of quality if the tape was not copied before reaching that point "
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Sute de maguri si cassuri la un loc" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...
Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
Hai sa ne dam cu parerea, sondaj de opinie - care mag e mai bun, AKAI sau REVOX ?
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Re: MAGNETOFON ( reel to reel )
mai bun, adica in general vorbind, insumind toate calitatile, cred ca AKAI va mai fii si peste 20 de ani, REVOX nu. As paria pe sculele cu mecanica AKAI (deck-uri, mag-uri) pentru o lunga existenta de acum in colo, in timp ce restul vor muri in marea lor majoritate...
Din pacate cind vorbim de calitatea audio, AKAI ramine cam cu 3 jucarii (747 dbx, f91 si 570D) iar si astea sint undeva la media-superioara (indulgent) nicium in domeniul hi-end.
Din pacate cind vorbim de calitatea audio, AKAI ramine cam cu 3 jucarii (747 dbx, f91 si 570D) iar si astea sint undeva la media-superioara (indulgent) nicium in domeniul hi-end.
It's the music, stupid!