CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

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CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

... sau chiar nu are nici o sansa in fata magului ??? ... ... %26hl%3Den

si inca 3 pagini tot acolo pe site...

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Re: Casetofon pt anul 2009 ...

Post by Kostas »

Tot despre Nakamichi
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Re: Casetofon pt anul 2009 ...

Post by LEKTOR »

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Re: Casetofon pt anul 2009 ...

Post by momolo »

Printre multe altele am avut si eu un Nakamichi RX 505E. O minune a tehnicii. Amuza pe toata lumea cum intorcea caseta in mers. Invariabil provoca macar un zambet sau rasul!

Pentru mine deck-ul ala era un vis de demult. Imi aduc aminte de filmul "9 saptamani si jumatate" vazut in anii '80 pe video, unde fugitiv apare deck-ul asta, evident, filmat cum rasuceste caseta!

Pe vremea aia era ceva, cam cum ar fi acum topul total de la Accuphase, de exemplu! Chestii intangibile pentru muritori.

Insa dupa anul 2000 am avut ocazia sa-l cumpar second hand. Desi un pic tavalit si zgariat, cu lipsa geamului (defapt plexi) de protectie a casetei, inauntru era impecabil , intact, neatins si conservat exemplar. Capetele desi aparent de permaloy, pareau aproape noi, desi nu statuse degeaba, observand ghidajele si mecanica. Culmea e ca si curelele erau perfecte, desi vechi din anul 1984 !

Acest deck spulbera orice alt deck avut de mine. Am avut si capete de serie de la Sony, singurele care-i mai dadeau un pic de furca, insa Naka le facea in special pe redare. Inregistrarea era minunata, dar redata pe el insusi.

Avea sistem de autoazimut, cu mini rotite, ceva foarte, foarte complicat.

Datorita fidelitatii incredibile, se simtea instant ca circuitele de Dolby afectau sunetul. Insa se putea folosi fara Dolby, ca un mag, dar era nevoie de o caseta foarte buna care sa nu fashaie.

Sunetul un pic japonez, spre inalte, dar netipatoare, neagresive, calde in acelasi timp. Greu de explicat! La comparatie cu deck-uri grele si capete de serie de la alte branduri, iesea instant deasupra.

Probabil datorita fidelitatii si detaliului foarte ridicate, poate si lipsa distorsiunilor?! Cert e ca nu am gasit nici un deck mai "vrajit" ca asta.

Altele sunt si ele bune in felul lor. Mai am un TEAC a-650 din 1976, un monstru complet tranzistorizat (nu are circuite integrate....inca nu se inventasera! :) ). Greutate 15Kg, facut pentru piata japoneza e pe 100...110V. Sunetul de lampa! Nu e numai parerea mea. Ciudat dar adevarat! Inauntru o uzina! Numai mecanica atarna cateva kile! Volanta e mare cat la un magnetofon mai mititel, motoarele sunt imense, toate circuitele complet discrete se intind pe placi bagate in balamale ca sa poata fi basculate si verificate. Integreaza o cantitate enorma de piese, toate 100% japoneze, calitate absoluta! I-am masurat cativa conzi si am ramas masca! Sunt mai buni decat unii noi din ziua de azi! Nu mi-a venit sa cred! Eu imi inchipuiam ca ar avea nevoie de o renovare!....Insa cum sa-l renovezi cu piese mai proaste!
Capetele sunt.....surpriza! Ghici!? :D ....GX-uri! Ambele! (rec-play si stergere). Evident, nu e cu 3 capete, doar cu cap universal si stergere. Din pacate l-am cumparat defect, mecanica, comenzi electronice (are taciuri) si oscilator premagnetizare. L-am reparat la comenzi (i-am facut si o modificare in partea logica, nu aveam cum altfel, "creierul" semi-defect era un circuit hibrid care nu mai exista de 1000 de ani), i-am gasit si curele noi (de la seturile pentru VHS diverse, gasibile prin magazine in anii 90, originale japoneze, o calitate pe care apoi nu am mai intalnit-o niciodata la curele) dar nu i-am rezolvat oscilatorul, un alt circuit hibrid, defapt o mica oala de aluminiu umpluta cu rasina si picioruse ca la un integrat. I-ar trebui un circuit dedicat de oscilator montat pe cele 6 picioruse pe cablaj. Tot am sperat ca gasest un alt TEAC A-650....Dar e imposbil, modelul e foarte rar.

Mai am un cap de serie de la Kenwood, cred ca cel mai tare care a fost facut de brandul asta vreodata. E mai nou, anii 90. Ii lipseste geamul de la usitza casetei si e foarte murdar, dar in rest e intact, capetele practic noi. Proprietarul mi l-a vandut (scump! :D ...stia ce vine!) pentru ca are un defect la mecanica. E vorba de un reglaj, un defect din ala tembel cand anumite benzi o iau aiurea pe ghidaje, mereu spun ca atunci cand am timp o sa-l zace asa de ani de zile! Mecanica este triplu direct drive, ceva fabulos de complicat si compact. Construit audiofil cu traf central.

Doar la un SONY din seria ES, model de top, am gasit o astfel de mecanica! Un cubuletz cam cat caseta, insa ceea ce contine e peste complicatenia unui ceas elvetian. Si ala avea un defect mecanic ciudat, de aceea l-am putut cumpara. Intr-o noapte l-am reparat. Defapt mai multe nopti, trebuia intai sa inteleg cum functioneaza mecanica?! Era un defect din fabricatie, astfel ca scapase cu capetele inatacte, in ciuda vechimii. Cel care l-a avut l-a pastrat de mobila, pentru ca banda de la caseta o lua aiurea si suna ca o varza dupa 10...15 minute.
Pana la urma a fost simplu...dupa ce am inteles principiu!

Apoi prin anii 90 am cumparat de nou capul de serie de la JVC, cel mai bun deck al lor fabricat vreodata. L-am luat de la magazinul JVC de pe Calea Victoriei, dupa ce le-am desertat o poala de bani pe taraba! La propriu! Era o poala de bani! Imi umplea o geaca de blugi, la propriu era "o burta" de bani!
Obtinuti din imprumuturi, vanzari diverse, etc, o nebunie! Nu cred ca azi as mai putea fi tot atat de tzacanit!

Ideea e ca-mi vandusera deck-ul cu defect nativ..altfel il cumpara un director de banca pentru care fusese comandat. Pe vremea aia toate aparatele de top se aduceau numai la comanda pentru bashtani, muritotii nici nu le vedeau cum arata.

Dar jmecherii au gasit un fraier, pe mine. Ce e drept, am avut chiar si un discount, ca era desigilat! :D Sunt convins ca vanzatori habar nu aveau de defect, erau simplii manelisti care habar nu aveau ce vand, insa in mod cert unul din firma lor care se pricepea stia exact problema, o problema care nu aparea din prima, doar ocazional, depinzand mult de caseta folosita.

Am aflat ulterior ca erau numai doua bucati aduse in Romania .

Nu l-am dus in garantie, ma temeam ca mi-l "ciobaneste", defapt erau exact vremurile alea cand se practica pe scara larga "ciobanirea" aparatelor.

Mi l-am reparat singur, dupa ce am tras mecanica afara si l-am facut sa mearga pe masa de operatie.

Proiectul mecanicii deriva din cele de VHS (unde deja aveam o mare experienta). Era bazat pe melci si pinioane, foarte complicat! Avand o singura curea intre direct drive de la capstanul drept si volanta capstanului stang.

De vina era un resort (drept) care nu avea forta EXACT necesara. Era gresit din fabrica insa mi-a fost greu sa gasesc forta necesara. Pana la urma l-am facut.
Defectul era astfel, fiind cu doua capstane, in conditiile in care totul mergea perfect, banda se facea bucla intre capstane in decurs de peste 20...30minute depinzand de tipul benzii. Nu-i placeau crom-urile lungi si lucioase in special, insa mergea pe metal si fero. Astfel ca nu mai calca pe capul de stergere, pe cele de REC/PLAY fiind tinuta de pasla casetei. Se observa la inregistrare, la redare doar pe casete lungi cu banda subtire cateodata.

JVC-ul avea electronica....SONY !:) comenzile erau Toshiba.

Suna grozav, high-end, fidelitate foarte ridicata si mai ales zgomot extrem de scazut. La comparatie cu deck-uri mai vechi (JVC era model din 1994-96), toate alea fashaiau cumplit.

Pe asta l-am vandut in mare pierdere, cam inainte de anul 2000, perioada cand puteai cumpara maguri formidabile, benzi, viniluri si casetofoane pe pret de nimic.

Era perioada de glorie a brandului Panasonic-Technics, cand acele magazine "faceau legea" in audiofilia miortika de larga raspandire. Perioada cand ne uitam fascinati la plasticele alea infecte care costau cat munca unui om pe ani si ani de zile!

Unii nu s-au mai trezit de atunci si inca aduna "turnuri" de plastic Technics in sufragerie.

Atunci orice era analog si provenit din perioada de aur a HIFI-ului, era privit cu maxim dispret. Daca vroiai sa vinzi un magnetofon, practic il dadeai de pomana.

Atunci era de cumparat si pastrat pana in zilele noastre!....Dar cine ar fi stiut ?! Cu totii eram loviti de o anume mentalitate. Perioada cand CD-ul era considerat SUPREM si zdrobitor in comparatie cu vechiul vinil aruncat in pod, debara, pubela. O perioada, cel putin pentru mine si unii pe care-i cunosc, de maxima inflorire a trancotariei in cuget si simtire! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by saureign »

Totdeauna mi-am dorit un deck bun, chiar daca nu mai am decat cateva casete bune in colectie.
Primul a fost un Pioneer CT-676 pe care l-am luat de la un samsar care se pretindea "cu shtaif", dar care nu era decat un tzepar sinistru; deck-ul era varza pe dinauntru, trebuia curatzat, reglat, reparat etc., asadar - la revedere. A ajuns in provincie, la cineva care se pricepe la reparat. Se auzea f bine...
A urmat un "plastic" de Technics BX-501. In afara de faptul ca avea comenzile ok, se auzea vai mama lui.
Dupa care a urmat tot un Technics, insa BX808. Sunet superior, insa nu chiar high-end. Constructia insa mai mult decat ok.
Al patrulea si actualul este un Sony TC-K666ES, model 1982. O minune a tehnicii - 3 motoare separate: pt derulat inainte, derulat inapoi si redare. Fara ambreiaje. Un tanc. L-am dus la "doctor", iar acum e f bine. Merge brici: urca pana la 21kHz cu banda normala! (cf. masuratorilor de specialitate).
Poate doar sa gasesc convenabil un Sony KA6ES sau KA3ES, altfel nu mai dau bani pe deck-uri...

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by momolo »

eu l-am avut si pe asta:

Un deck grozav! In special tragea superb (dupa reglaje), foarte fin si fara zgomot, fashait, brum. La redare detaliat si corect, dar nu atat de "vrajit" ca un Nakamichi.

Un test pe care-l fac eu la cassdeck-uri este astfel:

- cuplez cass-ul in statie in mod normal si o alta sursa de semnal, preferabil un CDplayer pe input-REC la cass.

- sursa respectiva o cuplez si direct in amplificare, alaturi de iesirea cass-ului. Pentru asta e recomandabil un playerCD cu doua iesiri (multe vintage au iesire fixa si variabila, ambele egale daca dai volumul pe iesire la maxim. Nu sunt chiar identice ca raport semnal/zgomot, dar sa spunem ca nu suntem puristi fanatici in cazul asta).

- cuplez cass-ul pe REC si STOP/PAUSE fara sa inregistrez, doar sa treaca semnal prin el.

- incerc sa egalizez semnalul din sursa (CD) direct cu cel trecut prin cass-deck, egalizare de nivel. Asta e mai greu, aici trebuie gasite solutii. Cea mai simpla e folosirea iesirii variabile din playerulCD pentru egalizarea finala in statie.

- apoi, fara sa trag pe banda, fac comparatie intre semnalul trecut prin cass-deck si acelasi semnal provenit direct din sursa (CD). Folosesc acelasi tip de cablu RCA-RCA, neaparat.

Daca exista diferente de timbru, frecvente, etc, etc, inseamna ca acel cassdeck coloreaza si baga de la el.

Ideal este sa nu existe diferente, eventual doar ceva zgomot in plus, fahsait la semnalul trecut prin cassdeck.

Interesant este ca multe deck-uri pica cu brio la "testul" asta. NU e vorba de inregistrarea pe banda (cum ar intelege unul mai tare de cap), este vorba de afectarea semnalului la trecerea lui prin circuitele cass-ului.

Evident, asta trebuie facut si pentru verificarea inregistrarii, lucru posibil in cazul celor cu 3 capete, adica deck-ul nu mai este tinut pe STOP/PAUSE-REC ci inregistreaza si e cuplat pe MONITOR.

Fara indoiala ca testul cu inregistrare este cel mai folositor, teoretic, pentru ca pana la urma scopul este sa reproducem exact semnalul sursa, insa primul este este mai important. De ce?, pentru ca daca un tape recorder nu este capabil sa NU afecteze semnalul trecut prin circuitele de input-REC, atunci ne pierdem vremea cu el, orice reglaje ulterioare ca inregistrarea pe banda sa fie identica cu sursa, sunt inutile. In acest caz vorbim de trancote si sunet colorat si afectat.

Sincer, discutia de genul "-Care coloratura imi place mai mult?" ma lasa rece, imi pare pierdere de vreme si tine de sectorul trancotarilor incurabili.

Plus ca in favoarea primului test mai sta ceva - inerent semnalul se altereaza din cauza benzii si circuitelor, nu e posibil sa ramana identic, oricat de buna ar fi scula. Astfel ca intai trebuie aflat daca aparatul este construit onest si cinstit pentru a continua mai departe munca de reglaje si gasirea unei benzi potrivite aparatului.

Iar in cazul testului 1, am gasit unele deck-uri faimoase de la AKAI ca fiind profund viciate. Asta inca din anii 80, chiar si pe amplificari mai trancotare. Deci, cassdeck-uri "coloratoare", alea care-i fac pe unii sa exclame "-Ce dinamica! Se aude chiar mai bine!"(decat sursa :lol: :lol: :lol: )
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

Am mai multe cass deckuri, sa enumar citeva ,apoi voi reveni cu mai multe informatii despre fiecare, in functie de timpul disponibil - AKAI - GX-F91, GX-F95,GX-F71,GXC-570 - PIONEER -ELITE CT93, CF-1250, - MARANTZ 9900 cu 2 viteze, TECHNICS RS -B100, PHASE LINEAR /PIONEER CT -A1,NAKAMICHI DRAGON

Toate sint ca noi, cutie originala, manuale operatii,service, brosura color,accesorii

Incep cu AKAI-GX-F91 - modificat, 2 viteze,etc - detalii in engleza, asa cum le-am primit de la "modificator"

The Akai GX-F91 high end audiophile cassette deck is truly one of the world's
most uniquely styled and highest performance cassette deck. The GX-F91
represents one of Akai's most unique landmark cassette deck achievements at the height of the Compact Cassette medium. Its list of standard features is truly
plentiful and rich, and this unit was built in the era where Compact Cassette
was at the peak of its demand and significant research and development was
expended to yield technical performance of the highest standards possible with
this medium. Making this particular unit even more one of a kind are special
modifications to this particular GX-F91 cassette deck that further increases its
performance potential and flexibility beyond that of original specifications.

**** FEATURES (Stock unit features)

Transport and head block module
* Full logic dual-microcomputer controlled 3-motor advanced transport
* Quartz-locked direct drive capstan motor
* Closed loop dual capstan drive
* Separate reel drive motor for high speed tape spooling
* Motorized transport mode switching and head block operation
* Optical take-up reel motion sensing
* 3 head system
* Wear-free GX record and playback heads - 150,000 hour head life, or 24 hour
use for 17.5 years
* Ferrite dual gap erase head
* Wide shoe tape guides
* Back illuminated cassette well allows easy viewing of tape position
* Power cassette door loading and eject - insert tape without closing cassette
door and press a transport button to close door followed by auto tape slack tape
up and execution of selected transport mode


Tape handling / auto tuning system / signal processing
* Auto tape selector via Compact Cassette ID notches
* Auto microcomputer tape tuning system - 6-bit, 64-step test and tuning increments
* Individual channel recording equalization and recording level (tape
sensitivity) tuning
* Tape tuning recording bias manual offset adjustment to yield flat response
with a wide range of bias offsets for maximum high frequency saturation level
manually tailored / adjusted to suite program material recorded - a feature
unique to Akai's tape tuning algorithm never before implemented by other
cassette deck manufacturer's auto tape tuning schemes.
* 3 standard reference settings for types I, II and IV for instant recording
(See Reference Tape Calibrations section below)
* Fifteen (15) non-volatile user tape tuning data storage memories - 4 permanent
memory stores and 1 buffer memory for each of three tape types
* Full tape tuning data memory management functions - write, recall, erase
* Dolby B and C noise reduction system with defeatable MPX filter (for use with
FM stereo broadcast recordings), yielding up to 20 dB of weighted noise
reduction effect.
* High quality DC (Direct Coupled) recording and playback pre-amplifiers
* Stereo headphone jack
* Separate individual line output level control and headphone output level controls
* Akai exclusive auto monitor - deck signal monitor mode automatically switches
to source mode in record pause mode, and automatically switches to tape mode in
record mode. Manual override possible via electronic monitor touch button.
Monitor signal switching is fully electronic and non-mechanical, with no
potential for monitor switch contact wear or noise.


Visual level monitoring
* Three mode meters - Peak modes I and II, and VU mode meter response
characteristics, all with peak hold function
* Wide level range meters, displaying from -30 dB to +8 dB (Peak I and VU modes)
and -20 dB to +15 dB (Peak II mode)
* High resolution 24-segment bar meters, at fine 1 dB steps between ranges of
-11 to +8 dB (Peak I and VU modes) and 0 to +15 dB (Peak II mode)
* D-COMP Dynamic Compensation meter mode - simulation (and display) of record
signal levels after signal processed through recording amplifier's record
equalization circuitry. This extremely rare feature has only extremely seldomly
been offered on any tape deck in history. Meter signal display of recording
levels inclusive of recording equalization emphasizes the dramatic increase in
high frequency levels of signals recorded to tape, and potentially assists in
improved record level setting of high frequency rich content.
* Recommended maximum record level range cursors on meter scale for each tape
type, illuminated depending on tape type inserted


System automation logic
* IPLS Instant Program Locating System - for forward and backward blank search,
for track location
* Intro-scan - auto search to beginning of each program segment and playback for
10 seconds then auto search to next blank segment for intro-playback
* Memory stop (counter zero) and memory play modes (rewind to counter zero and
auto play), or rewind to beginning of tape and auto play.
* Record cancel function - instant re-cueing to beginning of recording start
point then auto record-mute for 4 seconds then auto-record-pause
* Auto record mute with 1 second timing indicator, followed by auto pause after
4 second mute
* Tape turns and quartz based real time electronic counter modes
* Remote control capable, with appropriate Akai wired or wireless remote control
* Timer start modes - play and record


Product styling / design
* Slim line tape deck profile
* Stunningly minimalistic style with fully motorized large control panel door,
rotates to open and then retracts beneath deck - see item photo below for
separate digital images of this control panel in its closed and fully open position.
* Closed control panel door with large playback controls with indicators and
noise reduction mode indicators
* Cool soothing blue glow power switch translucent bar (See item photo)
* Large Dolby B and C noise reduction mode indicators on large panel door while

**** FEATURES - SPECIAL MODIFICATIONS (Custom features unique only to this particular unit)
The following section summarizes the unique custom modifications to this
particular unit of the Akai GX-F95 audiophile cassette deck, and their
performance benefits. For technical audiophiles that are seriously interested in
considering this unit for purchase and are interested in more details on these
modifications, please contact the seller directly for detailed information on
these modifications and why the applied modifications are (and have been) highly
reliable during the service life of this deck while fully meeting original
manufacturer's mechanical performance specifications. To the best of knowledge,
there exists no other unit of this model that have these modifications.

* Three speed operation - half speed (0.55 or 55%), standard (1.00 or 100%) and
high (1.35 or 135%) while fully under quartz locked servo control for all three
speeds, for exceptional recording performance and extended recording time. At
135% speed, a C-60 tape runs 45 minutes, a C-90 tape runs 60 minutes, and a
C-120 tape runs 90 minutes. Running at 135% normal speed, a 15 kHz waveform is the same wavelength as approximately a 11 kHz signal at normal speed. As a
result, the demands on all tape types is signficantly reduced at high speed and
frequency response and maximum output level is increased accordingly by a
significant margin. At this speed this deck on its own is useful for 2-track
final mixdowns of high quality, and when paired with an outboard complementary
noise reduction unit (compander) can yield recordings with a level of clarity
and air that is difficult to obtain at standard cassette speed, yet without
rapidly consuming tape as would other rare double speed cassette decks that run
at 3.75 inches per second. At half speed mode running at 55% normal cassette
speed, the available recording time is nearly doubled, as recording time per
tape is increased by about 81% percent. This speed is especially useful for
recording programmes that run long and/or for non-critical fidelity program
recording. No other mass produced consumer cassette tape deck of any quality is equipped with three speed operation under such a high quality dual capstan
direct capstan drive transport with full quartz locked speed servo at all speeds.

* Three discrete heads / 3rd generation, LC-OFC Super-GX heads - The original
single housing fixated combination 2nd generation Super-GX record and playback
head structure on the stock unit GX-F91 has been upgraded to a 3rd generation
Super-GX head structure with true discrete head independent suspension head
structure. As a result of this significant costly upgrade to true discrete
heads, separately adjustable recording and playback head alignment in height and azimuth is realized for the most precise magnetic alignment between recording and playback heads. The new 3rd generation Super-GX heads uses LC-OFC Linear Crystal Oxygen Free Copper head core windings, yielding higher sonic purity from its improved electrical conductive characteristics. To the best of knowledge, this is the only known unit of the GX-F91 in existence with a true discrete three-head configuration. The new 3rd generation discrete Super-GX head components were ordered directly from Akai Electric in Tokyo, Japan and is of a value of approximately US$350, *excluding* installation tech time and other
costs involved in this special key components upgrade. These very valueable and
costly head components are no longer available after the complete termination of
Akai Electric Co. insofar as the original Japanese company's operation is concerned.

* Ceramic tape guides - The original stock unit supply side capstan wide shoe
guide and take up side capstan wide tape guide have been replaced with Akai's
high end deck ceramic tape guides, of the same physical shape.

Other custom enhancements
* 3-position tape speed selector most seamlessly integrated into the front panel
through a special physical modification, resulting in a new front panel control
that is fully cosmetically / visually matched to this unit's original control
* 67% (2/3 times) increased resolution tape turns counter mode - a C-120 tape
wound from end to end runs up to over 7700 on the 4-digit electronic counter,
compared to about 4600 on the stock GX-F91. The higher tape counter value
realizes finer increments on tape position tracking.
* Large Dolby-B noise reduction mode indicator on back side of control panel
(visible in closed position) in orange. Dolby-C noise reduction mode indicator
left at its original green colour. This realizes colour indication of noise
reduction mode at a glance from afar.

The Akai GX-F91 support three tape types - IEC type I, II and IV (Normal, CrO2
and Metal positions). While the on-board auto tape tuning microcomputer adjusts
the recording circuitry parameters to suit virtually any tape type inserted,
this deck also has three default reference positions, one each for each tape
type. These reference mode positions have been calibrated for modern production
versions of TDK Dynamic (D) type I tape, TDK Super Avilyn (SA) type II tape, and
TDK Metal Alloy (MA) type IV tape.

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

- cu ambele covers pt caseta

MODIFICATIONS [1] DUAL SPEED operation - Normal (1.0 / 100%) and High (1.35 / 135%) Operation - To select tape speed, use the TAPE SELECTOR switch. In the AUTOposition, tape speed is normal (1.0 or 100% standard cassette speed). In theMANUAL position, tape speed is high (1.35 or 135% standard cassette speed). Thetape selector on this deck is permanently in AUTO mode due to the reassignmentof this switch for tape speed control. At high speed, you MUST run the AUTO TUNING procedure for each tape used forrecording. Using the deck in the REFERENCE positions for each tape type willresult in a sharply raised treble response due to the significant rise in highfrequency response when the tape is run at high speed. If you have stored TUNING DATA to memory, keep track of whether the tuning datais for NORMAL or HIGH speed. The tuning data is completely different for eachspeed even with the same tape. TECHNICAL BACKGROUNDUnique to this particular unit of the Akai GX-F95 cassette deck is a specialtechnical modification to the on-board quartz locked direct drive system thatrealizes both standard speed (100% or 1.0 speed ratio) and high speed (135% or1.35 speed ratio) tape speeds under full quartz locked control. This specialmodifications exploits the full capability of the proprietary Akai Quartz lockPLL (phase locked loop) IC used in the capstan servo circuitry, which alreadysupports dual speed operation within the IC itself, but is not enabled or putinto use in the stock GX-F95 unit. Speed switching is elegantly incorporated into the original front panelcontrols, by utilizing the built-in manual tape selector switch for type IVposition. Since all type IV metal tapes now have ID notches, this switch israrely if ever needed and therefore has been reassigned as a speed selectorswitch for the quartz locked capstan servo control IC. The capstan motor andservo circuitry has worked flawlessly for the duration of the service life ofthis deck to date with all modifications described on this page. This is notsurprising since the dual speed capability is already built into the Akai servoIC on the deck. The modification merely activates both speeds on the Akai servoIC chip for user control. The result of this modification is clear - significant improvements of all basicelectro-magnetic performance parameters of this cassette deck even when usingthe most basic type I (Normal) tape. At 135% speed, a C-60 tape runs 45 minutes,a C-90 tape runs 60 minutes, and a C-120 tape runs 90 minutes. Running at 135%normal speed, a 15 kHz waveform is the same wavelength as approximate a 11 kHzsignal at normal speed. As a result, the demands on all tape types issignficantly reduced at high speed and frequency response and maximum outputlevel is increased accordingly by a significant margin. At this speed this deckon its own is useful for 2-track final mixdowns of high quality, and when pairedwith an outboard complementary noise reduction unit (compander) can yieldrecordings with a level of clarity and air that is difficult to obtain atstandard cassette speed, yet without rapidly consuming tape as would other raredouble speed cassette decks that run at 3.75 inches per second. Due to the microcomputer based auto tape tuning system, changes in frequencyresponse, bias level and tape sensitivity level differences between the twospeeds are automatically compensated by running the auto tape tuning analysisprocedure. Tapes made at 1.35 speed are compatible in tape speed and matchingrecord and playback frequency response only on this deck. ********************************[2] Incremental 0.2% steps capstan speed fine tuning (Maintenance mode access only) This capstan speed fine tuning is unnecessary because it has been checked andverified as the correct setting during a final speed check prior to delivery toyou. There is a 5 rocker DIP switch installed on top of the Akai quartz PLLservo IC chip. Each rocket switch on this DIP switch controls one bit positionof the 5-bit speed control signal to the quartz lock servo IC.
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by momolo »

TEAC A-650 despre care vorbeam mai devreme: ... l=ja&tl=en

(versiunea netradusa) ... a-650.html

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by CC_TM »

Pe la sfarsitul anilor 80 am avut diverse casetofoane: Akai GX25, Technics RSM226, Technics RSB40, iar in '91 mi-am luat un Tandberg TCD 330:
Tandberg-ul arata urat comparativ cu sculele anilor 90, dar m-a convins sunetul lui. L-am comparat pe inregistrare cu un Revox B77 de care a reusit sa se apropie foarte tare (dupa urechea mea de atunci, si in conditiile de auditie specifice vremii), lucru care m-a castigat pe loc.

As fi fost curios de o comparatie cu un Studer sau un Revox, dar nu am vazut nicodata vreunul mai indeaproape.

In lupta cu magnetofonul, nu cred ca deck-urile au mari sanse. Viteza sporita a benzii de magnetofon va da castig de cauza celor din urma. Probabil un deck modificat pe viteza dubla, cu inregistrare pe 2 piste ar putea sa se apropie de performantele unui mag bun, dar nu stiu sa se fi facut asa ceva.
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

Pai exista deckuri cu viteze sporite - vezi descrierile de mai sus de la F91 si F95 - viteza 135 %, care pe banda metal inregistreaza super ! Mai este Marantz-ul D9900 care are si 9.5 cm/s - dar toate acestea inregistreaza pe 4 piste .
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

AKAI GX-F91 - ... 0280824048 - cumparat de un roman - cumva cineva de pe forum ????
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

O alta raritate - HITACHI D5500 - vedeti cum iese telecomanda ... in 1982 ... p-203.html
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