CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by momolo »

sunt cateva branduri care au scos cassdeck-uri superbe. Am mai discutat despre asta. Insa nu toti au curajul sa spuna ca un cassdeck poate suna ... mai bine ca un player CD bun.

Evident, chestie de apreciere si gust insa pe langa magnetofoane despre care multi stiu adevarul (adica faptul ca au fost si raman cele mai grozave surse), mai exista si unele cassdeck-uri de luat in seama.
In ambele variante calitatea benzii si reglajele sunt determinante.

:roll: ... plus ca un CD tras pe banda se aude mai bine! Sic! :mrgreen:

LEKTOR m-am delectat cu "prajitura" numita AIWA ! Productie a anilor '80. Aseara cautam sa-i gasesc nod in papura, am apelat pana si la experiemntul meu pervers, adica semnal direct in amplificare in comutatie A/B cu semnal trecut prin deck. Am ramas cam pe ganduri.... Cum naiba le-au facut atat de bune !? :roll: (ca daca le studiezi matzele, nu par prea audiofile dupa noua mentalitate....moderna! :roll: :lol: :lol: 0
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

O caseta noua metal gen Sony Metal Master trasa pe un deck cap serie de la Aiwa/Nak/Akai/Technics/etc fie de pe cd fie de pe vinil si apoi redata in comparatie A/B cu un cd player - ar multumi as zice 99% din audiofili !

De la AIWA - ce a fost high end - cele 2 modele XK 009 SI S9000
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by CC_TM »

De Revox B215 ce stiti ?

Revox facea scule bune si fiabile la vremea lor.
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

Oferta de la audioscope - top 3 - Dragonul, Pioneer ct-f1250 ( ce bijuterie ) si Technics rs-m95 ... =1&sort=2a
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by momolo »

Pe primele doua le stiu pe dinafara, insa Technics-ul nu-l stiam! Ce bine arata! Ce VUmetru superb!
Are sticla in fatza butoanelor de jos?!
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

Da, e sticla adevarata si fumurie - ca la tunerul lor ST-G xx
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by Obelix »

La preturile alea, sa si le tina... :twisted: Renumitul vatman din Gerbigiburg vinde mai 'eftin... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

Revin - ca la tunerul ST-G7 - - Am acest tuner dar combinat in linia Technics cu deckul RS-B100
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

Hai sa pun si aici - de fapt unde trebuia - povestea cu capetele GX de la cassuri

3 generatii de capete - pre 80, 80-85,post 85.

Noi am luat contact cu Generatia 80-85 in special

The Akai Super-GX combo head assembly model RP4-5 is a second generation Super-GX head that is compatible with type IV (Metal position) Compact Cassette recording tapes, and are magnetic head designs which evolved from prior generations of GX heads and Super-GX heads used for Compact Cassette recording applications in Akai cassette decks. This second generation Super-GX head was specifically developed for metal tape recording and playback, and continues to use Akai's famed GX glass and crystal ferrite structure for wear free head characteristics that yields a useful head life of 150,000 hours, or 17.5 years of continuous 24 hours daily use.

The RP4-5 combination head assembly consists of two magnetic heads enclosed in the same housing - one recording head with a 4 micron gap, and one playback head with a 1 micron gap, with both head structures precisely aligned and fixated during factory production for correct head height and azimuth alignment relative to each other. A glass based inter-head spacer is mounted between the recording and playback heads. The RP4-5 head assembly is a direct original replacement for second generation Akai Compact Cassette decks that employed a 3-head configuration with Super-GX head assemblies.

As a second generation Super-GX head design, the RP4-5 head assembly features improved characteristics, including smaller head cores, and reduced inter-gap spacing between the recording and playback head gaps, by means of a narrower inter-head glass spacer. This yields further reduced monitoring delay between the recorded signal as it passes through the recording head gap, and the travel time required for the tape to arrive at the playback head gap.

This part is useful for direct original manufacturer's part replacement for the following Akai cassette deck models if the head assembly on these decks have failed electrically and/or have been damaged or misaligned (between recording and playback heads within the housing) physically:

* Akai GX-F71, 3-head 3-motor dual capstan drive, direct capstan drive cassette deck
* Akai GX-F91, 3-head 3-motor dual capstan drive, direct capstan drive cassette deck


The Akai Super-GX combo head assembly model PR4-3 is a first generation Super-GX head that is compatible with type IV (Metal position) Compact Cassette recording tapes, and are magnetic head designs which evolved from prior generations of GX heads used for Compact Cassette recording applications in Akai cassette decks. The Super-GX head was specifically developed for metal tape recording and playback, and continues to use Akai's famed GX glass and crystal ferrite structure for wear free head characteristics that yields a useful head life of 150,000 hours, or 17.5 years of continuous 24 hours daily use.

The PR4-3 combination head assembly consists of two magnetic heads enclosed in the same housing - one recording head with a 4 micron gap, and one playback head with a 1 micron gap, with both head structures precisely aligned and fixated during factory production for correct head height and azimuth alignment relative to each other. A glass based inter-head spacer is mounted between the recording and playback heads. The PR4-3 head assembly is a direct original replacement for first generation Akai Compact Cassette decks that employed a 3-head configuration with Super-GX head assemblies.

This part is useful for direct original manufacturer's part replacement for the following Akai cassette deck models if the head assembly on these decks have failed electrically and/or have been damaged or misaligned (between recording and playback heads within the housing) physically:

* Akai GX-M50, 3-head 1-motor cassette deck
* Akai GX-F80, 3-head 2-motor cassette deck
* Akai GX-F90, 3-head 2-motor direct drive capstan cassette deck
* Akai GX-F95, 3-head 2-motor quartz locked direct drive capstan cassette deck

Generatia 3 post '85

3rd generation, LC-OFC Super-GX heads - The original
single housing fixated combination 2nd generation Super-GX record and playback
head structure has been upgraded to a 3rd generation
Super-GX head structure with true discrete head independent suspension head
structure. As a result of this significant costly upgrade to true discrete
heads, separately adjustable recording and playback head alignment in height and azimuth is realized for the most precise magnetic alignment between recording and playback heads. The new 3rd generation Super-GX heads uses LC-OFC Linear Crystal Oxygen Free Copper head core windings, yielding higher sonic purity from its improved electrical conductive characteristics.

AKAI GX 75,95 , A&D

Ceva poze generice despre primele capete GX -
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by italo_disco1988 »

Bun subiect! Am avut nakamichi 1000, un animal de aparat! Foarte greu si solid! Imprima si reda bine pe orice janghina de caseta! Dar cum sunt Pacala' , l-am dat la schimb pe un amarat de akai gx630d, si acum imi vine sa plang.Ce detin mai special :Pioneer ct f950 cu carcasa de lemn , bijuterie ca aspect dar mecanica foarte complicata si un sunet de ... :oops: ; ASC AS3000 :foarte solid construit, 3 capete/dual capstan/motoarele sunt direct drive!/comanda logica, diverse functii de memorie, reglarea bias-ului manual pe fiecare canal in functie de banda, pitch control, cel mai interesant lucru, daca il decuplez de la retea in timpul redarii, dupa ce il pornesc la loc, pleaca inapoi in play cu aceeasi pozitie a counterului si a tipului de banda ! BIC T3, 3 capete, dublu cabestan , 2 viteze :4.75/ 9.53, dar din pacate e mecanic, iar ca sunet nu e cine stie ce special. Nakamichi 700, suna bine dar urat cu crengi. Poate reusesc anul asta sa imi iau revox b710 sa il pun alaturi de fratii sai , magnetofoanele 8)

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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by Kostas »

Eumigul ala ( Eumig FL 900, black ) la 1000 euro m-a dat pe spate. :shock:
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by momolo »

ia uitati un JVC/Victor (denumirea JVC pe piata interna japoneza) TD-V931, unul din cele mai grozave cassuri facute vreodata (anul 1989):
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

Ceva mega rar este PHASE LINEAR 7000 CASSETTE DECK ( silver ) CARE DE FAPT ESTE ACELASI CU PIONEER CT A1 ( black ) ... p-606.html

Despre PHASE LINEAR - care au scos si pre/power remarcabile - http://www.phaselinearhistory.stereoman ... onents.htm
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Re: CASETOFON ( cassette tape decks )

Post by LEKTOR »

PIONEER CT A1 - negru - pt piata japoneza
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