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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by momolo »

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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by momolo »

Asta e deadreptul "nesimtit" ! :D
One of the ultimate, absolute and perfect turntable. Only a few match this one - the Denon DP-100M, the Onkyo PX-100M, Sony PS-X9 or the Pioneer Exclusive P3a. If the saying "they don't make 'em like this anymore" sounds fine, it should be narrowed down for the L-07D to: "they only made it once and never will again". So far, the production run of the L-07D remains a mystery.
But Micro Seiki had a hand in it, as with most japanese high-end turntables outside Matsushita, Sony or Victor...

An absolute object nevertheless, and it is a real pity that Kenwood junked its design team after 1983 for the '80/'82 period was rich with many an interesting and structured design. And not only within the superlative "L" series.
Deci cum ma tot gandeam ca de prin 1983 s-a imputit treaba.
The L-07D belongs in the pantheon of the all-time GREATS and here you will find out why : http://www.l-07d.com.
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by momolo »

un mare link foarte interesant!

http://digilander.libero.it/bellocaddo/ ... leryRZ.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by LEKTOR »

momolo wrote:dar pe asta l-ati vazut ?! :shock:

http://www.audioscope.net/yamaha-pf800-mint-p-910.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

DA, pe fratele mai mare - AICI - http://www.thevintageknob.org/YAMAHA/PF1000/PF1000.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

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Picup LUXMAN PD555 cu vacuum - http://www.thevintageknob.org/LUXMAN/PD555/PD555.html#" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by dj_italo2001 »

Numai la asa ceva nu m-am gandit ca s-ar putea face :))
Foarte interesant....mai ales ca s-au vandut (cica) doar 55 de exemplare.

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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by nicumur »

Anticul meu pick-up Sony PS-T1 s-a ales cu o doza noua - un Shure M97xE.
Este o inbunatatire evidenta fata de ultima doza (un Staton 500 mark III), dar este (parerea mea personala si accentuez, pe pick-up-ul in discutie) sub doza Akai RS 95.
Cand am sa-mi fac odata curaj :mrgreen: am sa comand pe net un ac pentru doza Akai (copie, bineinteles) sa pot face o comparatie directa intre cele doua doze.
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by momolo »

Nicule, dozele vintage sunt foarte tari! Unii tin cu dintii de "vechiturile" lor, iar eu de exemplu am la loc de mare cinste o doza din 1984 (an in care firma producatoare a disparut) Micro Acoustics MA 3002 care nu arata cine stie ce grozavie ca design dar pe care se bate lumea cunoscatoare si se vinde (folosita )la preturi mult peste M97xe. Un ac pentru aceasta doza costa in USA minim 260 dolari si este vorba de o replica pentru ca daca gasesti originalul pastrat in stare noua platesti de te indoi (de exemplu peste 600 dolari!).
Eu am mai avut doze vintage si imi pare rau ca le-am dat. Pe vremea aia nu aveam cu ce aprecia si nici nu stiam cate stiu acum. Si acum imi pare rau de o Audio Technica AT11 din 1985 pastrata noua de atunci si pe care am vandut-o ca prostu pe nimic acum mai multi ani (cand imi luasem "doze audiofile" noi!).
Asa cum le lucrau atunci nu le mai lucreaza azi!
Iar doza ta AKAI poate fi orice brand mare in regim OEM. Imi aduc aminte ca AT11 pe jafuri de pickup-uri in posesie la vremea aia suna minunat pe medii si ma miram un pic dar aveam in cap fixul ca dozele noi audiofile sunt automat mai bune...Si culmea, aia nu era nici un cap de serie ci una medie pe vremea aia. La scurt timp dupa ce am dat-o am probat o Audio Technica noua care costa de 4 ori cat am cerut eu pe AT11 si care suna MULT inferior.....
Sunt multi audiofili care folosesc doze vintage si nu stiu cum sa le pastreze "in viata" mai mult?!...Daca ai auzi tu MA3002 nu stiu ce ai zice?! :D
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

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TANGENTIALE vintage vedeti in linkul urmator, precum si un brat tangential RABCO montat pe un vintage Technics SL1100. O sa vedeti acolo si un MITSUBISHI tangential belt drive foarte interesant:

http://www.soundfountain.com/amb/ttrabco.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

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EMT TT unul din cele mai bune turntable ever, aici cel mai bun model.... anul de productie 1951 :



ATENTIE ! discul LP de pe platan este marime normala! (adica platanul este imens!)
Cine are mega-norocul sa gaseasca acest turntable, practic are unul din cele mai bune turntable ever.
Si bratul este excelent.
O asemenea piesa se vinde pe ebay cu 5700...10.000 euro.... adica defapt s-au vandut deja cu aceste preturi !

http://www.hifiwigwam.com/view_topic.ph ... orum_id=16" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


http://www.emt-profi.de/Types.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by momolo »

MITSUBISHI tangential vertical din 1979 cu scripete pe cablu de otel, turntable denumit DIATONE LT-5V:

http://wegavision.pytalhost.com/mitsubi ... ishi18.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://audio-database.com/MITSUBISHI-DI ... -5v-e.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.audioheritage.org/vbulletin/ ... hp?t=25287" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.retronom.hu/node/17716" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.hifi-forum.de/viewthread-84-3627.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.hifi-forum.de/viewthread-84-11410.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;




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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

Post by LEKTOR »

Referitor la Mitsubishi vertical - Asta a fost baza pe care s-a axat si Sharp cind a introdus boombox cu picup !

" VZ-2500, VZ-2000 and VZ-3000 included compact stereos systems with a radio, cassette recorder and yes, a turntable. And these were no ordinary turntables mind you, these used "AutoDisc" technology, marketed by Sharp with the phrase "Play Both Sides." Think of auto-reverse tape technology for a record player: using two tonearms, these stereos allowed one to play Side A or B without having to flip the LP over "

http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q ... CCwQsAQwBQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: PICKUP (Turntable) VINTAGE

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http://audio-heritage.jp/PIONEER-EXCLUS ... pl-61.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


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