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Post by momolo »

Unul din cei mai buni ingineri si creatori de scule high-end din USA, un om care a facut istorie. Am avut ocazia in anii 90 sa ascult doua scule audio Bob Carver si m-au uimit. Atunci am avut ocazia sa le si compar cu niste Technics faimoase la ordinea zilei si m-au uimit inca o data diferentele cumplite! Ampliful power stereo cu ceasuri rotunde (" onclick=";return false; ) si playerul CD cu mecanica SANYO spalau pe jos cu bietele Technics ale anilor 90. Trancotar fiind, totusi nu am putut sa nu remarc pe vremea aia diferenta colosala de calitate. Insa aceste scule nu existau decat in USA si erau ani grei pentru tarisoara asta plina de hoti si mincinosi, netul nu prea aparuse asa ca nici accesul la informatie nu exista, nu mai vorbesc de reviste ca nici alea nu erau. Atunci am aflat de Bob Carver, "pe viu" adica.

Tot el a proiectat cel mai puternic amplif destinat zonei consumer (de casa) al anului 1972, adica 350W pe canal, Phase Linear 700, o perioada cand un amplif de 50W era considerat puternic. Iata-l:
http://www.phaselinearhistory.stereoman ... iesamp.htm" onclick=";return false;
schema lui: ... %20700.jpg" onclick=";return false;
si matzele: ... 010105.JPG" onclick=";return false; ... 010113.JPG" onclick=";return false;

Istoria Bob Carver:" onclick=";return false;

si un site facut de fanii lui:" onclick=";return false;

Iar azi, pentru delectare vizuala, ampliful Phase Linear D-500 Series Two, printre alte bunatati ale zilelor noastre:" onclick=";return false;
Prostu' invata pe pielea lui, desteptu' pe-a altuia.

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Post by sorin_denver »

Eu am avut acum 6-7 ani un amplificator Phase Linear 400 sau 700 series si l-am vindut impreuna cu o pereche de boxe pro la o discoteca la tara . Ce mai tin minte era tensiunea de alimentare foarte mare + - 97 v . Cel caruia il vindusem la folosit o perioada doar cu boxele date de mine, apoi a legat cite trei boxe in paralel pe canal si l-a ars destul de rau . Tin minte ca a incercat sa il repare la mai multi meseriasi dar nu a mai reusit sa il faca . Imi pare rau dupa el dar s-a dus. Probabil daca l-as fi avut acum un an , doi in urma altfel il pretuiam.

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Post by LEKTOR »

Am inceput sa construiesc si eu o linie vintage PHASE LINEAR . Pina acum am facut rost de

- cass deck PHASE LINEAR 7000 II - The 7000 Series Two Cassette Deck was introduced in 1979. It reflected the diversification parent company Pioneer Electronic Corporation wanted to take Phase Linear in the high end audio component market. This machine was based on Pioneer's CT-A1 cassette deck, which was not sold in the United States. It listed for a substantial $1350. and weighed 38 pounds. ... p-606.html" onclick=";return false; - de fapt este PIONEER CT A1 dar pe silver -" onclick=";return false;

- cd player - The Phase Linear 9500 CD player is perhaps the rarest of all the company's components. It was actually designed a built by Kyocera of Japan and was introduced to the American market in mid-1983. Kyocera used its DA-01 CD player as the basis for the 9500, with specific changes requested by Phase Linear" onclick=";return false;

- eq - The Model 1400 Series Two Equalizer, also a Dennis Bohn design, entered the market in 1981. It had ten frequency bands per channel capable of adjustment and having a boost/cut range of 14 dB for each band. It lacked a few of the features of the higher priced 1100, and had a two-inch lower profile compared to the 1100 - http://www.phaselinearhistory.stereoman ... onents.htm" onclick=";return false;

- tuner - 5000 II - http://www.phaselinearhistory.stereoman ... 0tuner.htm" onclick=";return false;

- ampul - D500 - http://www.phaselinearhistory.stereoman ... 500amp.htm" onclick=";return false;
- preampul - 4000 II - http://www.phaselinearhistory.stereoman ... preamp.htm" onclick=";return false;

Toate componentele au acelasi design.
... living a vi(ntage)king analog lifestyle in a digital world ...

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